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Archived News and Highlights


In the Region This Week: December 20
In this issue: ARC launches Recovery-to-Work Listening Sessions to identify economic impacts of Region's current substance abuse crisis; WV Community Development Hub convenes West Virginia's POWER grantees to discuss emerging economic opportunities in Central Appalachia's coal-impacted communities. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: December 13
In this issue: ADHS making continued progress across Region, including 16 new miles of roadway opening to traffic this week in Scioto County, Ohio; Surry Community College opens state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing training center in Yadkinville, North Carolina. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: December 6
In this issue: 150 Appalachian students visit Washington, D.C., for 18th annual Appalachian Teaching Project; Williamston, South Carolina's Main Street revitalization strategy draws on the economic value of the area's cultural and historic heritage. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 29
In this issue: ARC and NACo announce plans for forthcoming Appalachian Substance Abuse Response Initiative; ADHS Corridor N opens in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

ARC Welcomes 150 Students to Appalachian Teaching Project Symposium in Washington, D.C.
On November 30 and December 1, 2018, ARC will host 150 students from 15 Appalachian based colleges and universities at the 18th annual Appalachian Teaching Project (ATP) Conference in Washington, D.C. Supported by ARC and organized by the Center for Appalachian Studies and Services at East Tennessee State University, ATP is an applied-research training program for college and graduate students to design community based economic development initiatives across the Appalachian Region. As a capstone to this work, students and their faculty sponsors present their work to other student delegations from ATP participating institutions, ARC leadership, and community leaders in a formal peer-to-peer symposium in Washington, D.C. Since the program began in 2001, over 2,250 college and graduate students from across the Region have participated in ATP. Read the press release.

In the Region This Week: November 15
In this issue: In celebration of National Rural Health Day, a special issue focuses on health-related issues across the Region including: bright spots in health, expanding health care access using the J-1 Visa Waiver program, developing the health care workforce, and addressing the Region's substance abuse crisis. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 8
In this issue: ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas celebrates Philanthropy West Virginia's 25th birthday and encourages local funders to engage in Region's substance abuse crisis; National Apprenticeship Week is coming November 12-18. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 1
In this issue: Appalachian North Carolina invests in the economic potential of local agriculture, outdoor recreation, and manufacturing equipment; virtual "career coaching" for in-demand high-paying jobs debuts in Mississippi. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In Focus October 2018: Appalachia's Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
In this issue, ARC's quarterly newsletter looking at our most recent research topics explores key building blocks for a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem; how Appalachian communities are putting these concepts to work; and what data and resources are available for each of the Region's 420 counties via Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Appalachia, a suite of research reports and resources supporting entrepreneurial ecosystem development in Appalachia.  Read more and subscribe

In the Region This Week: October 25
In this issue: ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas visits industrial parks, land reclamation sites, health care facilities, and other economic development projects in Appalachian Georgia; Johnson College of Technology upgrades training systems to meet market demand for manufacturing in Pennsylvania. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

ARC Announces $26.5 Million to Diversify and Strengthen Region's Coal-Impacted Communities
ARC has announced $26.5 million to expand and diversify the economy in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities through the POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Initiative. These awards support workforce training and education in manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and other industry sectors; invest in infrastructure enhancements to continue developing the Region's tourism, entrepreneurial, and agriculture sectors; and increase access to community-based capital, including impact-investing funds, venture capital, and angel investment streams. To date, ARC has awarded $120 million through the POWER Initiative to help coal-impacted communities in 309 Appalachian counties diversify and grow their economies. Read the press release.

In the Region This Week: October 18
In this issue: Experts discuss strategies for expanding health care workforce in eastern Kentucky; multi-sector partnership prepares for strategic growth in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia?s shale and gas industries. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 11
In this issue: ARC announces 35 grants totaling $26.5 million to strengthen and diversify economy in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities; in Sequatchie County, Tennessee, creative, community-based partnerships help make county a Bright Spot for health. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 4
In this issue: New research identifies seven core elements of robust ecosystems, analyzes entrepreneurial dynamism in eight communities in North Carolina, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, West Virginia, Alabama, Maryland, and Virginia, and features localized metric data and resources for each of Appalachia's 420 counties; reliable broadband access is better for business in Cherry Creek, New York. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

ARC Releases New Research and Tools for Regional Entrepreneurship Development
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Appalachia includes three reports which outline core elements necessary for a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, analyze eight community case studies to provide insight into the unique challenges faced by communities in Appalachia, and offer recommendations to support future economic development across the Region. A companion website compares entrepreneurial data and activity in each of Appalachia's 420 counties, and includes a working inventory of more than 1,000 support services available to entrepreneurs across the Region.  Press release

In the Region This Week: September 27
In this issue: STEM education at the root of economic development in Maryland's Garrett and Allegany counties; new makerspace expands creative entrepreneurship opportunities in Appalachian Georgia. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

Legislative Update: President Trump Approves FY 2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Act, Including $165 Million for ARC
$165 million for ARC is included in the Fiscal Year 2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Act which was signed into law by President Trump on September 21, 2018. This is the largest appropriation for ARC's nonhighway work in the agency's history. Legislative update

In the Region This Week: September 20
In this issue: Appalachia Works: Expanding Opportunities for Our Region's Future, ARC's Annual Conference hosted by the State of Mississippi, features keynote discussion about how communities can attract and recruit large manufacturers and companies; Appalachia's 14 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) celebrate #HBCUweek. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

Legislative Update: $165 Million for ARC is Included in the Final Conference Report for the FY 2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Act
$165 million for ARC is included in the final Conference Report for the Fiscal Year 2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Act which passed both houses of Congress this week. This is the largest appropriation for ARC's nonhighway work in the agency's history. Legislative update

In the Region This Week: September 13
In this issue: Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, who is serving as this year's ARC States' Co-Chair, welcomed ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas to his first official Commission business meeting with representatives of each of the Region's 13 states to discuss priorities, funding, and other issues critical to ARC's operations and over 350 community leaders, economic developers and practitioners attend ARC's annual conference Appalachia Works: Expanding Opportunities for Our Region's Future. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly snapshot.

In the Region This Week: September 6
In this issue: SOAR (Shaping Our Appalachian Region) believes there is a future in eastern Kentucky; Jobs for America's Graduate (JAG) is reducing dropout rates in South Carolina, Mississippi, and West Virginia; and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are issued for continued research on health and to develop the Appalachian Leadership Institute. That, plus a sampling of other headlines from Appalachia, are in ARC's weekly snapshot. Read more and subscribe.

FY 2019 ARC County Economic Status Designations Now Available
The Commission's annual county economic status analysis designates the 420 Appalachian counties as distressed, at-risk, transitional, competitive, or attainment, based on their ranking in a composite index drawing on the most recent data on unemployment, poverty, and per capita income. A similar analysis is applied to areas at the census-tract level. Resources available include data, tables, and an interactive map feature.

New Research and Website Highlight Health in Appalachia, Ten "Bright Spot" Counties Where Health is Better than Expected
Three new resources released by ARC, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky offer a fresh approach to understanding health in Appalachia by focusing on community strengths and identifying local factors supporting a Culture of Health. These resources include case studies of ten "Bright Spot" counties, which have better-than-expected health outcomes; the performance-focused research methodology that helped identify these counties; and, a website that explores extensive county-level health data for the Appalachian Region.  Press release

In the Region This Week: August 30
In this issue: Working together, the Kentucky Rural Water Association (KRWA) and ARC are upgrading water systems across Appalachian Kentucky; community colleges, technical training classes, and certificate programs across the Region are prepared for back-to-school season with new equipment and facilities. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: August 23
In this issue: Resources for understanding diabetes in the Region include the Appalachian Diabetes Control and Translation Project and research from the "Culture of Health in Appalachia" initiative; a new inland port in northwest Georgia spurs additional infrastructure development—bringing growth opportunity to southern Appalachia. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: August 16
In this issue: Newly released ARC county economic status analysis finds that 81 Appalachian counties will be considered economically distressed in FY 2019—a drop from 84 counties in FY 2018, and the lowest number of counties designated as such in the past decade. ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas visits Ohio to discuss issues around dental-care access, workforce development, and the petrochemical industry, and joins Congressman Tim Ryan (OH-13) to announce ARC investment in an advanced manufacturing resource center. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In Focus July 2018: New Resources Explore Health in Appalachia
ARC's quarterly newsletter looks at a new health data analysis that identifies Appalachian "Bright Spot" communities—those with health outcomes that are better than expected given local socioeconomic factors and resource limitations. Ten companion case studies look at health-promoting practices in these communities that may contribute to those outcomes.  Read more and subscribe

Legislative Update: Senate, House Approve FY 2019 Appropriations Bills Containing ARC Funding
Both bills provide $155 million for ARC's nonhighway programs, including $50 million for the POWER Initiative to help Appalachian communities adversely impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector. Legislative update

New Data Visualization Tool Enables In-Depth, County-by-County Look at Impact of Opioid Epidemic in Appalachia
Developed by NORC at the University of Chicago and ARC, the Appalachian Overdose Mapping Tool integrates overdose mortality rates for Appalachia's 420 counties with data on socioeconomic factors including unemployment, poverty, disability, and others.  Press release

ARC Releases FY 2017 State-by-State Investment Overview
The overview includes fact sheets detailing ARC's fiscal year 2017 economic development investments in each of the 13 Appalachian states, as well as a regional investment summary.  Press release

In the Region This Week: August 9

Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas joins Congressman Evan Jenkins to tour southern West Virginia to discuss economic diversity, opportunities and challenges; seven communities take part in the Appalachian Gateway Communities Initiative's Advanced Implementation Workshop to foster economic growth and protect their natural ecosystems, landscapes and cultural heritage of "gateway" communities; the College of Maryland's automotive technology program adds diesel service training to widen the employment options of its graduates. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: August 2
Congressional roundtable examines impact of and solutions for opioid crisis in Appalachia; Isothermal Community College broke ground on a new agribusiness site in North Carolina; Center for Manufacturing Technology Excellence role touted as economic driver in Mississippi. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 26
Middle school students and high school students and teachers presented research from their time at residential summer STEM programs at renowned national laboratory last week; new resources offer fresh approach to understanding health in Appalachia by focusing on community strengths and identifying local factors supporting a Culture of Health; early-bird registration pricing for ARC Annual Summit ends Friday, July 27. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 19
As part of his ongoing regional tour, ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas visited ARC investments in southwest Virginia and eastern Tennessee, including a Veterinary Teaching Center; new campaign celebrating the future of Appalachia will be showcased at the annual SOAR Summit; Spartanburg Community College in South Carolina gets Industry 4.0 grant. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 12
The Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky is providing a regional approach to revitalize downtowns in an eight-county region in the southeast of the state; lavender cultivation on reclaimed surface mine land is good business in West Virginia; new makerspace opens in Athens, Ohio. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 28
ARC and EDA announce a joint $1.2 million investment to Chickamauga, Georgia, for critical upgrades to water system serving a flooring manufacturing factory and other business; as part of tourism efforts, ground is broken for a new boat landing that will allow visitors convenient, safe river access in Southwest Virginia; University of Tennessee and ARC conduct a Region-wide study of Appalachian tourism. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 21
ARC States' Co-Chair Phil Bryant and Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas meet in Mississippi to discuss their shared priorities for the Region, including workforce development and combating the Region's opioid crisis; Community Colleges of Appalachia and the Appalachian Higher Education Network hold gatherings highlighting postsecondary education; beekeeping collective is bringing diversification to the Central Appalachian economy. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 14
Produce auction in Central Appalachia brings increased business for farmers and artisans and better access to healthy food for residents; Williamson, West Virginia, launches free Wi-Fi access for area residents and tourists that visit downtown businesses on the weekend; natural beauty and outdoor recreation are tops in southern and eastern Kentucky. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 7
ARC continues to invest in transportation connectivity, mobility, and trade in Appalachia, leverage funding and implementation opportunities, and help the Region prioritize multimodal transportation initiatives; extensions of popular trail in Spartanburg, South Carolina, are boosting healthy living and spurring economic development; coalfield students have high hopes for drone industry jobs. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 31
ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas travels to Appalachian Ohio to attend State of the Region conference and visit ARC-funded entrepreneurship, workforce, and infrastructure projects; diabetes coalitions work to prevent and control diabetes in Appalachia; historic mill in Georgia is being restored as a cultural tourism draw. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 24
Recent economic forum focused on cultivating the hidden talent potential in Southwest Virginia and identifying the roadmap for future needs; displaced workers in Appalachian Pennsylvania and Ohio are training for in-demand jobs in the gas industry; Alabama program celebrates two years of success delivering workforce and other adult education courses. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: Senate, House Appropriations Committees Approve FY 2019 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bills Containing ARC Funding
Each of the appropriations bills provides a total of $155 million for ARC's nonhighway programs, including $50 million for the POWER Initiative to help Appalachian communities adversely impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector. Legislative update

In the Region This Week: May 17
One ARC POWER project is building a model for sustainable employment for community health workers that benefits high-risk patients; improved infrastructure in Appalachian Georgia is spurring economic development; telepsychiatry program offers mental health services to rural students in New York. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 10
Successful startup businesses launched with assistance from Mississippi State's Center for Entrepreneurship and Outreach; medical center in Appalachian Maryland is improving patient care with new communications technology; the Ohio University Innovation Center is expanding equipment available in its additive manufacturing lab. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 3
ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas makes inaugural trip to Appalachian Kentucky for strategic meetings and to visit key projects; West Virginia business incubator gives first annual awards for entrepreneurship; upcoming webinar on rural opioid resources will help organizations prepare for future funding opportunities. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In Focus April 2018: Data Tools for Economic Development in Appalachia
Data is a key tool in planning for economic growth, helping leaders identify opportunities, make resource decisions, and build stronger action plans. ARC's quarterly newsletter In Focus looks at two new ARC data resources communities can use to develop more data-driven strategies: the "Chartbook," a topical overview of Appalachian socioeconomic and demographic data, and the Appalachian Overdose Mapping Tool.  Read more and subscribe

In the Region This Week: April 26
Ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrates opening of new Farm and Food Education Center in Tennessee; Bluefield State College's Center of Excellence in Manufacturing Education is developing advanced manufacturing programming for West Virginia; ARC and the Population Reference Bureau release data report offering insights on socioeconomic and demographic change in Appalachia at the regional, subregional, state, and county levels. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 19
Hocking College in Ohio celebrates the opening of a new state-of-the-art welding lab, part of its Appalachia RISES POWER project; East Kentucky Food and Dance Trail catalogs local heritage assets and helps leverage a newly developed regional identity around heritage food and dance traditions; Cornell Cooperative Extension of Steuben County to boost tourism and grow agribusiness in New York's Southern Tier. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 12
ARC welcomes new federal co-chair, Tim Thomas; community colleges in Appalachia work with industry to build career pipelines for economic growth; North Carolina community uses its music heritage for economic development. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 5
Community Broadband Playbook provides resources for communities in North Carolina to build a broadband strategy; expanded Nursing and Allied Health program in Appalachian Alabama attracts students and prepares them for successful careers in growing healthcare field; extended rail service to benefit southwestern Virginia. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: March 29
New website connects West Virginia manufacturers and job seekers to opportunities; Appalachian Ohio local development districts work closely with ARC to improve healthcare, infrastructure, and education; angel investors and maker programs boost entrepreneurship in New York's Allegany County. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: FY 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation Includes $155 Million for ARC
Signed by President Trump on March 23, the omnibus bill provides the highest level of funding for ARC's nonhighway programs in the agency's history. Legislative update

In the Region This Week: March 22
New visual data tool from NORC at the University of Chicago maps opioid overdoses and deaths in Appalachia with socioeconomic factors; students from Pikeville High School in Kentucky given a humanitarian award during the annual Development District Association of Appalachia conference in Washington; ground is broken for new water treatment plant in Ohio. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: March 15
After eight years of service to Appalachia as ARC federal co-chair, Earl Gohl ends his tenure with the agency; the Prosperity Fund fosters entrepreneurial activity in business sectors that have significant potential for economic growth in Alabama; apprenticeships help train new technical workers. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: March 8
Digital Careers Now is building the digital economy in eastern Kentucky by bridging the gap between employers and career seekers; Social Enterprise Ecosystem Appalachia and regional partners aim to boost rural impact investing; the Appalachian Innovators series shines a spotlight on people, programs, and policies doing things differently. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: March 1
ARC holds annual Governors' Quorum Meeting and releases FY 2017 investment fact sheets; a new report documents the AHE Network's efforts to increase post-secondary education attainment in Appalachia; advanced manufacturing incubator to be developed by North Carolina Community College. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: February 22
The Conservation Fund will host an advanced 3-day workshop designed for Appalachian "gateway" communities ready to implement projects to expand tourism, arts, and other economic development opportunities; new call center will bring 100 jobs to distressed county in Tennessee; Alabama high school to expand health science program. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: February 15
Over 170 community leaders, economic developers, and project partners were on hand for the first of five regional workshops about ARC's POWER Initiative; less than two years after investment in wi-fi expansion in North Carolina, communities are seeing success; community college adds machinist technology degree. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Administration Requests $152 Million for ARC for FY 2019
Released February 12, the administration's proposed budget for fiscal year 2019 requests $152 million for ARC programs and assumes no major policy or programmatic changes for Commission activities.  ARC FY 2019 performance budget justification

Legislative Update: Continuing Resolution Extends Government Funding through March 23
Signed by the president on February 9, the legislation continues agency funding, including ARC's, at the FY 2017 level, minus a small across-the-board reduction. It also sets overall budget numbers to guide the congressional appropriations committees in drafting an omnibus appropriations bill for the rest of FY 2018.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: February 8
Leaders in Appalachia explore ways to spur private investment in the social determinants of health in the Region; award-winning career expo helps Mississippi students find career pathways; new wave of farmers is reviving stripmines with lavender crop. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: February 1
ARC announces a new request for proposals for POWER funding to strengthen Appalachia's coal-impacted communities; new simulation lab helps prepare students in western North Carolina for health sciences and emergency services; NC Rural Center receives grant to deliver leadership training in NC's Appalachian region. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Issues POWER Request for Proposals to Help Appalachia's Coal-Impacted Communities Diversify and Grow Local Economies
On February 1, ARC issued a request for proposals (RFP) for 2018 POWER Initiative funding to help coal-impacted communities in Appalachia diversify and strengthen their local economies. Priority areas for investment through the RFP include developing a competitive workforce, enhancing access to and use of broadband services, fostering entrepreneurial activities, and developing industry clusters. ARC is making up to $20 million available through the RFP.   Press release

In the Region This Week: January 25
ASP's New Build project constructs safe, energy-efficient housing for low-income residents in eastern Tennessee; CentralApp apprentices earn first certification as part of IT training; ARC releases new research examining the impacts of declining coal production on the Region's economy. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces Research Series Examining the Impacts of Declining Coal Production on the Region's Economy
The January 2018 research series An Economic Analysis of the Appalachian Coal Industry Ecosystem is the first comprehensive assessment of current and potential effects the changing coal industry can have on the Appalachian Region. The series' five reports explore some of the current and future economic effects of declining coal production on components of Appalachia's coal industry ecosystem, including production and employment, supply chain industries, transportation, electric power generation, and human capital.  Press release

Legislative Update: Continuing Resolution Extends Government Funding through February 8
Signed January 22, the legislation continues ARC's funding at the FY 2017 level, minus a small across-the-board reduction. Commission programs and activities funded through the legislation are the same as those funded through the agency's FY 2017 appropriation.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: January 18
EntreEd kicks off educator training to help schools build Appalachia's next-gen entrepreneurs; ORAU research recommends reshaping outreach messaging in fight against opioid abuse; West Virginia's post-mine mountaintops offer new opportunities for agriculture.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Registration Now Open for ARC Workshops on POWER Funding Opportunities for Coal-Impacted Communities
ARC will hold five free workshops across the Region in February and March to help coal-impacted communities learn about the objectives of the 2018 POWER Initiative, which organizations are eligible for this funding, and how to develop a competitive funding proposal. Learn more

In the Region This Week: January 11
ARC welcomes Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant in leadership role as 2018 states' co-chair; southern West Virginia's public colleges forge higher-education alliance for economic growth in 21-county region; Pennsylvania's Greene County retools former mine workforce training center to build high-demand skills.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant Is Named 2018 ARC States' Co-Chair
Chosen by his fellow Appalachian governors to serve as the Commission's 2018 states' co-chair, Bryant will work directly with the ARC federal co-chair in the leadership role.  Press release

In the Region This Week: January 4
"Investments in action" snapshots show range of ARC's strategic investment goals; Shoals Shift sparks digital business culture in north Alabama; West Virginia's popular Hatfield-McCoy ATV trail system spurs rapid tourism growth in region.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

President Trump Nominates Tim Thomas to Serve as ARC Federal Co-Chair
Announced by the White House on January 4, the nomination was referred to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on January 8 for consideration.  News brief

In Focus January 2018: Exploring Change in Appalachia's Coal Ecosystem
Decline in Appalachian coal production can create a broad spectrum of changes for communities beyond coal mining job loss. ARC's quarterly newsletter In Focus looks at a new research series examining major trends in the Region's coal economy over the last decade and exploring some of the current and potential impacts these shifts can have on elements of the coal industry ecosystem, including supply chain industries, transportation, electric power generation, and human capital.  Read more and subscribe

Legislative Update: Continuing Resolution Extends Government Funding through January 19
Signed December 22, the legislation continues ARC's funding at the FY 2017 level, minus a small across-the-board reduction. Commission programs and activities funded through the legislation are the same as those funded through the agency's FY 2017 appropriation.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: December 21
Behavioral health services boost builds stronger health and workforce opportunity in South Carolina; mobile learning lab brings customized training to Mississippi's automotive-supplier workers; Ohio community's culture of learning spurs student success.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: December 14
ARC Federal Co-Chair testifies in House hearing on economic impacts of Appalachia's opioid crisis; nonprofit ISP wires rural western North Carolina communities for wi-fi; Tennessee mentor network guides a growing cadre of advanced energy entrepreneurs.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC-FHWA Webinar Examines Economic Impacts of the Appalachian Development Highway System
In a one-hour webinar held December 13, ARC and the Federal Highway Administration discussed key findings of the 2017 study Economic Analysis of Completing the Appalachian Development Highway System, and the role the highway system plays in Appalachia's economic development.  Watch the recorded webinar | Download the Webinar presentation (PDF: 5 MB)

ARC Federal Co-Chair Gives Congressional Testimony on Impacts of Opioid Abuse in Appalachia
On December 12, ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl testified before the House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management about the threat the opioid crisis poses for Appalachia's economic prosperity.  Read the testimony

Legislative Update: Continuing Resolution Extends Government Funding through December 22
Signed December 8, the legislation continues ARC's funding at the FY 2017 level, minus a small across-the-board reduction. Commission programs and activities funded through the legislation are the same as those funded through the agency's FY 2017 appropriation.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: December 7
Student research teams present sustainable community development solutions at 2017 Appalachian Teaching Project symposium; Pennsylvania partnership helps at-risk youth bridge soft-skills gap to world of work; West Virginia college launches drone tech program to meet growing workplace demand.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Hosts Student Leaders from 11 States at 2017 Appalachian Teaching Project Conference
At the 17th annual ATP conference in Washington December 1–2, students and faculty from 13 Appalachian colleges and universities presented their research on sustainable solutions to challenges facing their communities, many of which are in economically distressed counties.  Press release

In the Region This Week: November 30
Western North Carolina rebuilds rural manufacturing through Industrial Commons innovation; Appalachian communities and changemakers give voice to their #TransformingAppalachia vision; entrepreneurs get boost to grow tourism businesses along West Virginia's Hatfield-McCoy trail.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 16
Health care training efforts help Appalachia's rural communities build stronger workforces and jobs; Appalachian Spring Initiative taps into Virginia's natural assets for tourism growth; reclaimed mine sites offer fresh opportunity for ag entrepreneurs in West Virginia.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 9
WV Good Jobs Conference spotlights entrepreneurs' ideas and impacts in reshaping region's economy; state-of-the-art sciences center gives Tennessee college students in-demand skills; business coaching center connects southern West Virginia startups with tourism opportunities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 2
In North Carolina's High Country, new angel fund invests local capital to strengthen startups; food venture incubators look to expand markets for Central Appalachia meat producers; business pitch competition will help build business in downtown Erwin, Tennessee.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 26
New hospital residency program attracts needed physicians to Appalachian Mississippi; Alfred State students get hands-on learning in power sports technology lab; growing law school boosts economic diversification in southwest Virginia communities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Transforming Appalachia summit thumbnail
Resources Available from ARC's October "Transforming Appalachia" Summit
The Commission's 2017 annual conference, held in Pittsburgh, focused on key issues shaping the Region's future, including developing a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, strengthening businesses, addressing health challenges, and capitalizing on natural and cultural assets.  See summit presentations and resources

In Focus October 2017: Putting Appalachia's Health in an Economic Context
Identifying and addressing health challenges are important steps to helping Appalachia's communities and local economies thrive. ARC's new quarterly looks at recent research on key health issues affecting the Region today, and at successful efforts to help make communities healthier.  Read more and subscribe

In the Region This Week: October 19
"Transforming Appalachia" summit spotlights opportunities and ideas shaping the Region's economic future; students take the stage at Pittsburgh meeting to describe ARC STEM, technology investment impacts; northeastern Mississippi cross-training lab energizes region's growing manufacturing workforce.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 12
Alabama "idea audition" gives local entrepreneurs a launchpad to next level; LIGHTS partnership energizes southeastern Ohio's ecosystem for startup growth and investment; Pennsylvania universities collaborate in new Innovation Beehive Network to boost small business.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 5
Kentucky, Alabama communities prep action plans to create "Healthy Places for Healthy People;" Georgia tech ed program builds bridge to career success for unemployed adults; herb hub helps local farmers access high-value markets.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: September 28
PAGE program empowers rural North Carolina girls for life and leadership; Corner Market mobile grocery brings one-stop shopping to Appalachian Alabama food deserts; Tech Belt innovation center grows early-stage businesses in energy and beyond.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: September 21
Appalachian communities build economic opportunities from brownfields; Kentucky's Brushy Fork Institute helps leaders make "Relationship Economy" connections; Startup Alleghenies gives new businesses a boost in Pennsylvania's coal-impacted communities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Registration Now Closed for ARC's 2017 Annual Conference
The sold-out conference, to be held October 17-19 in Pittsburgh, will explore the theme "Transforming Appalachia: Embracing Change to Drive Progress." Sessions will focus on key issues shaping the Region's future, including developing a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, strengthening businesses, addressing health challenges, and capitalizing on natural and cultural assets.  Learn more

In the Region This Week: September 14
Appalachian export trade council helps rural businesses go global; research analyzes mortality impacts of "diseases of despair," including opioid overdose, in the Region; West Virginia's CentralApp launches learn-to-earn tech apprenticeship program.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: President Signs Legislation Extending Government Funding through December 8
Signed September 8, the legislation continues ARC's funding at the FY 2017 level, minus a small across-the-board reduction. Commission programs and activities funded through the legislation are the same as those funded through the agency's FY 2017 appropriation.  Legislative update

Study Examines Disparities Related to "Diseases of Despair" in Appalachia
A new ARC-commissioned report analyzes the impact of "diseases of despair" on mortality within the Appalachian Region, focusing on increasing morbidity and mortality from three main causes: alcohol, prescription drug, and illegal drug overdose; suicide; and alcoholic liver disease/cirrhosis of the liver. The report was prepared by the Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis.   Read the report

In the Region This Week: September 7
New ARC POWER awards bring total investment in coal-impacted Appalachia to $94 million; Maryland college builds state-of-the-art STEM programs to boost region's future workforce; factory–turned–training hub gives West Virginia workers wide-ranging career skills.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces Nearly $2 Million in Additional POWER Investments in Central Appalachia
The Commission has now invested a total of more than $94 million through the POWER Initiative in the past year to diversify the economies of 250 coal-impacted counties across 11 Appalachian states. These investments are projected to create or retain nearly 8,800 jobs, leverage an additional $210 million in investment, and benefit thousands of workers and students.  Press release

In the Region This Week: August 31
Experts and leaders in the Region join ARC in Tennessee to discuss new health data and economic development in Appalachia; project brings entrepreneurial education to more than 10,000 students in K-12 schools in coal-impacted communities; former Virginia school will be transformed into drone research and recreational facility.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: August 24
New report measuring population health in Appalachia documents disparities in health outcomes between Region and U.S.; "I3" project boosts industry connections, tech training capacity at community colleges in coal-impacted communities; YouthBuild opens doors to opportunity for rural West Virginia youth.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Report Documents Health Disparities in Appalachia
A study issued by ARC, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky documents dramatic disparities in health outcomes and other health-related factors in the Appalachian Region, compared with the nation as a whole. The first part of a multi-part research project, the study reviewed 41 health indicators to provide a comprehensive overview of the health of the Region's 25 million people, and examined 20-year trends for selected indicators.  Press release

In the Region This Week: August 17
Mountain Harvest Kitchen brings fresh opportunities for food and farm entrepreneurs in Tennessee's Unicoi County; new applied science center will help North Carolina students build skills for advanced manufacturing careers; West Virginia targets tech ed to expand high-skills workforce.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: August 10
Kentucky community college presidents take "entrepreneurship pledge" to boost local business; new optometry college looks to expand health workforce and services in coal-impacted region; Ohio partners help businesses create opportunity through technology change.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Releases FY 2018 County Economic Status Data and Maps
The Commission's annual county economic status analysis designates Appalachian counties as economically distressed, at-risk, transitional, competitive, or attainment, based on their ranking in an index-based economic classification system. Resources available include county-level data on key indicators and an interactive map feature.

In the Region This Week: August 3
Farms and food entrepreneurs fuel economic growth in New York's Southern Tier; ARC releases FY 2018 economic status designations for Appalachian counties; North Carolina's Filling the Gap program helps STEM teachers create real-world curricula.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 27
Appalachian students and teachers conduct cutting-edge research in ARC-ORNL summer STEM programs; communities share local-food successes at Local Foods, Local Places peer summit; West Virginia maps tourism strategies to build on thriving Hatfield-McCoy ATV trails.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: House Approves FY 2018 Appropriations Legislation Containing $130 Million for ARC
Approved on July 27, the legislation provides $70 million for ARC's regular program and $50 million for the POWER Initiative to help communities adversely impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector.  Legislative update

Legislative Update: Senate, House Appropriations Committees Approve FY 2018 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bills Containing ARC Funding
The Senate appropriations bill provides $142 million for ARCs nonhighway programs; the House bill contains $130 million. Full House consideration of the legislation is expected the week of July 24.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: July 20
In South Carolina's upcountry, development tour highlights diverse ARC investments in entrepreneurship, local agriculture, and tourism; new study estimates economic impacts of the Appalachian Development Highway System; West Virginia's Appalachian Hatchery helps coal-focused manufacturers shift markets.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

New ARC Study Illustrates Continued Economic Impact of the Appalachian Development Highway System
The study estimates the economic outcomes of work completed on the ADHS to date, and forecasts the future economic impacts, benefits, and costs associated with completing the system. Estimates indicate that the ADHS generates $19.6 billion in added business sales per year, as well as $10.7 billion annually in transportation cost savings and productivity gains.  Press release

In the Region This Week: July 13
Arts trails in Appalachia connect, promote, and increase revenues for independent artists and crafts workers; QuickJobs Training Center trains workers for in-demand jobs in South Carolina; RCBI's TEN50 Accelerator fosters entrepreneurship.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 6
Ground broken for new building to house expanded industrial training programs in Tennessee; Sustainable Jobs Initiative creating a buzz around growing industries in Central Appalachia; Virginia's Crooked Road anchors century-old tradition of live music in state.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 29
ARC POWER grantees connect peer-to-peer to boost Appalachia's coal-impacted communities; rural students prep for higher-education success with help from AHEN; Ohio–West Virginia program targets social enterprise start-ups for stronger local economies.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 22
Healthy Places for Healthy People program highlights health's role in rural downtown revitalization; Startup Alleghenies launches small-business support for Pennsylvania entrepreneurs; Appalachian Ohio's "maker spaces" to create innovative skills training opportunities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 15
ARC invests additional $15.7 million to diversify economies in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities; former coal workers get career retraining pathways through POWER; West Virginia's Sprouting Farms grows skills for sustainable agriculture businesses.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces $15.7 Million in Additional Investments to Strengthen Economies in Region's Coal-Impacted Communities
On June 14, ARC announced $15.7 million in investments to help grow the economies in coal-impacted communities in seven Appalachian states. With these awards, ARC has now invested more than $92 million to diversify the economies in 250 coal-impacted counties across 11 Appalachian states.  Press release

In the Region This Week: June 8
Innovation Works training grads learn lessons for new business success in Pennsylvania's coal-impacted communities; LaunchTN accelerates job growth through entrepreneurship in Appalachian Tennessee; regional music, food, and culture take center stage at Mountains of Music events in southwest Virginia.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 1
Trail Town Maryland boosts tourism dollars and development in trail communities; Appalachian Community Capital invests in small business to revitalize rural economies; telehealth technology brings health care closer to home for Alabama patients.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 25
Appalachian social entrepreneurs explore building business for profit and positive impact at ACOSE 2017; Green Forests Work grows opportunity, honors Flight 93 by reforesting former Pennsylvania mine site; Kentucky's Justin Hall is one of Fast Company's "100 most creative" for retraining coal workers for coding careers.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 18
Dream It Do It manufacturing initiative makes classroom-to-career connection in New York high schools; West Virginia county offers harm-reduction help as part of substance abuse prevention strategy; stargazing tourism poses economic development opportunity for rural areas.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Seeks Proposals for Communications and Community Outreach Technical Assistance Services
ARC is soliciting proposals for technical assistance services to help ARC POWER grantees specializing in economic development in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities develop additional skills in communications and community outreach. Proposals are due June 1.  Request for proposals (PDF: 200 KB)

In the Region This Week: May 11
Action-planning workshop helps Appalachian "gateway" communities get ready for natural and cultural heritage tourism; Smiling Schools brings oral health care to eastern Kentucky elementary students; southwest Virginia economic forum explores avenues to regional job growth.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: President Trump Signs FY 2017 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation
On May 5, the president signed compromise legislation funding the federal government through the end of fiscal year 2017. The measure provides $152 million for ARC programs.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: May 4
New West Alabama Works career center opens doors to high-demand industries; Pennsylvania school for deaf students gets a SMART tech boost; "Mining Your Business" entrepreneurship program gives displaced workers skills to succeed.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: FY 2017 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation Includes $152 Million for ARC
The May 1 omnibus bill provides $6 million more for ARC's FY 2017 programs than the Commission received for FY 2016. House and Senate action on the legislation is pending.   Legislative update

In the Region This Week: April 27
Appalachian Hatchery grows new opportunities in coal-impacted southern West Virginia; Toccoa makes an economic mark as one of Georgia's Exceptional Main Streets; drone port could bring high-tech R&D jobs to Kentucky.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 20
Community-based organizations in Appalachia use social media to get the message out against substance abuse; northwest Georgia is the global leader in the floor-covering industry; new crafts trail will lead tours to Blue Ridge artists.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 13
Appalachia's railways face new challenges as coal economy changes; downtown wifi success leads to broadband expansion plans for Eupora, Mississippi; Local Foods, Local Places initiative helps West Virginia community boost opportunities for farmers and food entrepreneurs.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 6
ARC's new data chartbook gives statistical insights on change in Appalachia; the Appalachia Funders Network explores regional investment opportunities to spur economic transition; West Virginia coalition is lauded for its healthy-lifestyle leadership.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: March 30
ARC invests additional $2.4 million to create economic opportunity in coal-impacted communities; in Appalachian Alabama, creative collaboration is key to "Shoals Shift" development strategy; West Virginia explores brownfield conversion for technology business facilities.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces $2.4 Million in Additional Investments to Strengthen Economy in Region's Coal-Impacted Communities
On March 28, ARC announced $2.4 million in investments to continue diversifying the economy in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities. The investments will create and retain hundreds of jobs in advanced manufacturing and agriculture, build a workforce pipeline through the Region's community colleges, and identify additional economic opportunities for economic growth in West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. With these awards, ARC has now invested $75.5 million to diversify the economy in 236 coal-impacted counties across nine Appalachian states.  Press release

Applications Due March 24 for ARC-NEA Gateway Communities Technical Assistance Workshop
The May 9-11 workshop in Ringgold, Georgia, will help teams from Appalachian "gateway communities" develop sustainable action plans for capitalizing on their area's unique natural and cultural-heritage resources.  Learn more and apply

In the Region This Week: March 23
SOAR strategy to bring affordable broadband to eastern Kentucky; DDAA conference spotlights Appalachia's changing workforce development needs; "30 Mile Meal" branding program boosts West Virginia's food and farm businesses.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Applications Open for 2017 Summer STEM Programs for Appalachian Students and Teachers
ARC and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are accepting applications for the 2017 Summer Math-Science-Technology Institute for high school students and teachers, and the 2017 Summer Science Academy for middle school students. Both are hands-on residential STEM programs at ORNL in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Learn about the program curricula and how to apply at

In the Region This Week: March 16
Eastern Kentucky's tech sector builds momentum with workforce retraining for next-generation jobs; local food producers connect with wholesale markets on the Central Appalachian Food Enterprise Corridor; applications are due March 24 for "gateway communities" sustainable development workshop.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: President's FY 2018 Budget Blueprint Outlines Spending Priorities, Proposes Elimination of Agencies Including ARC
Released March 16, the president's budget blueprint proposes increased federal funding for certain defense, security, and other programs, with the increases offset by proposed reductions in or elimination of a range of programs, including ARC.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: March 9
New status report on the Appalachian Development Highway System highlights construction progress, anticipated impacts; southwest Virginia training program will create career paths in region's power industry; Shoals Alabama Launchpad competition gives emerging local businesses a boost. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: March 2
New state fact sheet series shows ARC investment at work across Appalachia; VC2 Initiative builds resilient local-food businesses and jobs in West Virginia; Mountain BizWorks helps North Carolina small businesses get ready to scale up. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC investment fact sheet
New Resource: ARC Investment Fact Sheets
A new downloadable fact sheet series details ARC's recent investments and their impacts in each of the 13 Appalachian states and across the Region. In addition to funding data, the fact sheets offer snapshots of individual investments at work and county economic status maps.  Download fact sheets

In the Region This Week: February 23
ARC marks Black History Month with Tuskegee student scholarship award; EntreEd K–12 entrepreneurship education program kicks off at West Virginia community college; Kentucky high school STEM students send science project to International Space Station. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: February 16
"Gateway communities" target natural, cultural assets for sustainable-tourism action plans; Appalachian small businesses gear up for growth through Goldman Sachs training program; western North Carolina helps rural agritourism opportunities take root. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: February 9
Shoals Innovation Week promotes idea sharing among Alabama entrepreneurs; Appalachia Funders Network gathering highlights promising sectors for economic transition in Central Appalachia; new "digital innovation hubs" will fast-track training for tech jobs in eastern Kentucky. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Is Named 2017 ARC States' Co-Chair
Chosen by his fellow Appalachian governors to serve as the Commission's 2017 states' co-chair, Wolf will work directly with the ARC federal co-chair in the leadership role.  Press release

In the Region This Week: February 2
ARC welcomes Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf as its 2017 states' co-chair; ARC-ORNL summer STEM programs offer free hands-on learning for Appalachian students and teachers; Mississippi's HealthWorks! makes building healthy habits fun for families. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: January 26
ARC invests an additional $26 million to grow economies in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities; 2017 DDAA conference explores workforce development strategies for changing economies; southern West Virginia's "Appalachian Hatchery" will help diversify businesses in region's coal-supply chain. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces $26 Million to Strengthen Appalachia's Coal-Impacted Economy
On January 19, ARC announced $26 million in investments to diversify economies in coal-impacted communities in five Appalachian states. The 31 awards will allow communities to train more than 7,300 workers and students in certificate, credentialing, and other workforce development programs, and create or retain more than 2.500 jobs in the Region. These awards build on the $47 million ARC has invested since 2015 to help diversify economies in the Region's coal-impacted communities.   Press release

In the Region This Week: January 19
West Virginia community maps broadband expansion through Cool & Connected; NACo-NADO clinics help coal communities create strategies for stronger economies; eastern Kentucky pilot project aims to boost small-business growth through broadband. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: January 12
Appalachian POWER grantees share ideas for collaboration at Washington convening; Virginia's ASD builds healthier local economies and communities through agriculture; new SBA Business Recovery Center gives help for economic recovery after Tennessee wildfires. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: January 5
First TechHire Eastern Kentucky grads launch new IT careers; Mountain West Partnership builds resource hub to boost business in western North Carolina; West Virginia's Refresh Appalachia will redevelop former mine lands for food production. Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: December 15
Golden Triangle breaks ground on "Communiversity" for high-tech workforce training; rural Virginia's New College Institute celebrates a decade of learning success; Berea's local-food focus helps build new economic opportunity after coal.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs Legislation Extending Government Funding through April 28
Signed December 10, P.L. 114-254 continues funding for ARC programs and activities at the FY 2016 level, minus a .1901 percent across-the-board reduction.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: December 8
Tennessee's new Energy Mentor Network gives energy technology startups guidance for growth; two Appalachian towns vie for Main Street makeover in national competition; rural Virginia clinic sees future in drone-delivered health care.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

150 Appalachian Students Participate in Appalachian Teaching Project Conference in Washington
At the December 2–3 conference, student teams from 14 colleges and universities presented their applied research on economic and community development issues. Research projects for 2016 reflected key themes in ARC's strategic investment plan, including natural and cultural asset development, downtown revitalization, leadership and planning, workforce development, and health.  Press release

In the Region This Week: December 1
College students from 11 states share innovative development ideas Dec. 2–3 at Appalachian Teaching Project conference; West Virginia's HIVE business accelerator fosters cross-sector entrepreneurship in economically distressed counties; Tennessee wildfire relief efforts bring aid to affected communities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 17
New segment of West Virginia's Corridor H opens rural counties to economic opportunity; community colleges explore tools for teaching entrepreneurship skills; ARC partners with UT and WVU to study economic impact of coal industry changes across Appalachia.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: November 10
National Rural Health Day Nov. 17 spotlights unique health care needs in rural America, calls on communities to celebrate the #powerofrural; Appalachian CDFIs will expand investments with $100 million in new funding; eastern Kentucky's "readiness bus" brings early education services to low-income kids.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Applications for Rural Advantage Community Planning Assistance Due November 6
ARC, EPA, and partner agencies invite rural communities to apply for planning assistance through Rural Advantage, a suite of programs that help communities develop strategies to grow their economies and revitalize downtown neighborhoods. Applications for assistance are due November 6.  Learn more

In the Region This Week: November 3
ARC launches enhanced Web tools for exploring data on Appalachia; Ohio looks to solar energy for sustainable job growth; former coal industry workers learn business-building skills in southwestern Pennsylvania.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 27
POWER Initiative invests additional $20.3 million to strengthen economies in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities; southwest Virginia POWER projects target drone and cybersecurity industries for job growth; NACCE summit seeks to expand entrepreneurship curriculum for Kentucky youth.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces $20.3 Million in Additional 2016 POWER Investments for Appalachia
On October 26, ARC announced the award of an additional $20.3 million in grants through the administration's POWER Initiative to help Appalachia's coal-impacted communities diversify and grow their economies. Building on the $26.7 million in ARC POWER investments announced in August, the grants will benefit an additional 32 Appalachian counties and leverage an estimated $47.7 million in additional investments.  Press release

In the Region This Week: October 20
Rural Advantage helps communities leverage broadband, local food, and health care assets for local development; IMCP boosts Appalachian manufacturing industries through regional collaboration; rural areas build arts hubs to spur economic growth.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 13
ARC invests in Appalachia's advanced manufacturing workforce; new partnership studies health impacts of opioid abuse in the Region; Rural Advantage community planning funds available through November 6.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: October 6
New ARC toolkit gives communities broadband planning help; White House Rural Council highlights rural development successes; SOAR Health Hack-a-thon targets Appalachia's unique health challenges.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Releases Toolkit to Help Rural Communities Expand Broadband Service
The Broadband Planning Primer and Toolkit offers information and resources to guide rural Appalachian communities as they undertake broadband planning and implementation efforts.  Press release and toolkit

In the Region This Week: September 29
Appalachian mining and construction businesses connect with new markets through MINExpo International; Culture of Health Prize spotlights communities working for good health; Mississippi community colleges anchor $10.5 million initiative to expand manufacturing workforce training.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Invests $8.9 Million to Boost Manufacturing Workforce Readiness in Mississippi
With ARC's support, three north Mississippi community colleges will train workers for technical jobs in the state's expanding aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing industries.  News brief

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs Legislation Extending Government Funding through December 9
Signed September 29, the legislation continues ARC's funding at the FY 2016 level.  Legislative update

In the Region This Week: September 22
Appalachian firms explore export opportunities in Central and South America at Trade Winds 2016; Operation UNITE's Voices of the Epidemic tells stories of the fight against opioid abuse; Big Ideas Fest helps eastern Kentuckians build a vision for the future.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: September 15
ARC invests $1.78 million in advanced-manufacturing training and rural wifi to boost western North Carolina's economy; tourism partners build on Appalachian Pennsylvania's bountiful natural assets.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Commission Announces $1.78 Million Investment to Strengthen Western North Carolina's Economy
On September 14, ARC announced nearly $1.8 million in investments that will help expand North Carolina's advanced manufacturing training programs and bolster wi-fi capabilities in ten rural communities.  Press release

In the Region This Week: September 8
TechHire Eastern Kentucky interns learn code for new careers; Try This West Virginia gives how-to help for healthier communities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: September 1
ARC's Aspire Appalachia conference showcases best practices in rural development; Carolina Textile District rebuilds manufacturing industry in western North Carolina; Virginia's first community solar project will bring clean energy to four Appalachian counties.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC's 2016 Annual Conference Focuses on Rural Development
The Commission's August 30–31 conference, in Johnson City, Tennessee, explored how strategic investments are helping Appalachia's rural communities build strong, resilient local economies. See conference videos and presentations

In the Region This Week: August 25
2016 POWER investments announced this week will create new opportunities in Appalachia's emerging economic sectors; West Virginia roundtable showcases strategies for helping diversify local economies in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Announces $26.7 Million in 2016 POWER Investments in the Appalachian Region
On August 24, ARC announced the award of $26.7 million in grants through the administration's POWER Initiative to help stimulate economic growth and opportunity in Appalachia's coal-impacted communities. Part of the administration's total $38.8 million in 2016 POWER investments announced, the grants will benefit 142 counties in Appalachia and leverage an estimated $49.4 million in additional investments in the Region.  Learn more

In the Region This Week: August 18
Local groups use social media tools to combat Appalachia's opioid crisis; "gateway" communities create opportunity through natural and cultural assets; planning a future beyond coal.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Commission Seeks Proposals for Two New Research Studies
ARC invites proposals from qualified research teams for two new studies: one that will examine economic resilience in Appalachia, and one that will evaluate ARC leadership and community capacity projects. Proposals are due in late August.

In the Region This Week: August 11
Farmers markets help grow jobs and local-food opportunities in Appalachian communities; new CDFI fund targets resources to northern Alabama's small businesses; coding camp retrains Pennsylvania miners for tech jobs.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Commission Seeks Proposals for Research Study on the Coal Industry Ecosystem in Appalachia
ARC invites proposals from qualified researchers and consultants to examine the full ecosystem of the coal industry in the Appalachian Region through in-depth quantitative analysis. The research will identify, quantify, analyze, and map data on the coal ecosystem throughout the Region. Proposals are due August 19.
Request for proposals (PDF: 150 KB)

In the Region This Week: August 4
Team training for NC community leaders sharpens project planning strategies; ARC research efforts guide investments in Appalachia; "Backroad Journeys" podcasts highlight innovative farmers and food entrepreneurs.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 28
Appalachian students build STEM skills and career aspirations at Oak Ridge summer program; inaugural summit puts focus on restoring Central Appalachia's brownfields; RISE West Virginia brings flood recovery help to small businesses.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 21
Maryland breaks ground for improved safety and expanded development potential along I-68; "Made in Rural America" workshops to help boost small-business exports; Appalachian Tennessee communities win grants to enhance local tourism.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: July 14
Southern Highland Craft Guild showcases crafts of nearly 900 Appalachian artists; Goodwill Job Training and Employment Program serves 95 individuals in six Appalachian counties; New York communities receive free health care through military readiness training event.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Seeks Proposals for Research Study on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Appalachia
The Commission invites proposals from qualified researchers and consultants to examine the landscape of entrepreneurship in Appalachia through in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research will document, analyze, and map data on entrepreneurial activity throughout the Region. Proposals are due July 15.  Request for proposals (PDF: 75 KB)

In the Region This Week: July 7
Community colleges spark entrepreneurial rebirth in Appalachia; Appalachian Food Summit focuses on preserving the Region's cooking traditions and creating a sustainable future; Abingdon, VA, town hall discusses the impact of opioid abuse in Central Appalachia.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 30
TechHire initiative to boost high-tech training and employment in South-Central Appalachia; Google partnership brings mobile study hall to NC students; helping AL schoolkids get a healthy start with SightSavers screening.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 23
ARC's August Aspire Appalachia conference spotlights rural development; Appalachian Higher Education Network helps students in 10 states pursue post-secondary education; fulfillment center to employ 500 in Braselton, Georgia.   Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 16
Data chartbook gives a statistical snapshot of Appalachia; mining businesses to explore new opportunities through MINExpo; West Virginia is rising star in Hollywood film productions.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: June 9
Bon Appétit Appalachia! maps the Region's local food businesses; building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Kentucky; "Save Our Towns" video series showcases southwest Virginia communities.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Releases Bon Appétit Appalachia! Map Guide to Local Food Businesses in Appalachia
ARC has released Bon Appétit Appalachia!, a searchable online map of local food businesses and entrepreneurs operating in the Appalachian Region. The map includes more than 830 local farms, restaurants, bakeries, breweries, wineries, and festivals in the 13 Appalachian states. An abridged print version of the map is being published in regional Edible Communities magazines in and around the Region.  Press release

In the Region This Week: June 2
SOAR Innovation Summit spotlights Kentucky's creative development strategies; Georgia communities get camera ready for the film industry; building skills for success at the New Opportunity School for Women.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 26
ARC's POWER team wraps up a regional workshop tour across five states; West Alabama Works mobile training unit hits the road; and coal miners consider pharmacy school.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 19
Building Appalachia's economy through infrastructure investments; Appalachia Funders Network creates progress through partnership; Ohio team works to revive region's manufacturing industry; Kentucky high school recognized as a National Silver Medal School.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Legislative Update: Senate Approves FY 2017 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Legislation Providing $151 Million for ARC
Approved by the Senate on May 12, the legislation provides $5 million more than the Commission received in FY 2016. The funding total includes $50 million for the administration's POWER Initiative to help coal-impacted communities.  More

In the Region This Week: May 12
Millions in new capital for CDFIs will boost small business in Appalachia; Rural Impact County Challenge to help rural communities address child poverty; and restoring Appalachia's forests.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: May 5
Celebrating National Small Business Week in Appalachia, starting a community-solar cooperative in Virginia, and an Ohio mill comes back to life.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

Study to Evaluate Highway System's Impact on the Appalachian Economy
An ARC study will look at how the Appalachian Development Highway System's development has affected economic growth in Appalachia, as well as the future economic benefits and costs of completing the system. The first volume of the study, which summarizes previously published ADHS impact studies, is now available; the full report will be published in mid 2017.  Read volume 1

In the Region This Week: April 28
A Pennsylvania town builds new opportunity after coal; IMCP boosts northwest Georgia's floor-covering industry; and Huntsville tops list of best cities for STEM graduates.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

ARC Partners with National Institute on Drug Abuse to Improve Opioid Intervention Services in Appalachia
With ARC support, NIDA will provide one-year research grants to address the dramatic increase in adverse outcomes of opioid injection drug use in Appalachia. Findings will help build a foundation for improved intervention programs and larger-scale research efforts to provide services addressing this growing public health threat. Applications are due April 28.  NIDA press release

In the Region This Week: April 21
The Appalachia Funders Network explores strategies for Appalachian transition; bringing state-of-the-art health care to northeastern Pennsylvania; and new manufacturing jobs in North Carolina.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 14
ARC's POWER workshops kick off in Virginia; learning local solutions at the SOAR Innovation Summit; and community radio gives voice in Kentucky.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

In the Region This Week: April 7
What's In The Region this week? The Development District Association of Appalachia comes to Washington, resources to analyze economic diversity in Appalachia, stories about hip-hop in Appalachia, and more.  Read more and subscribe to ARC's weekly news snapshot.

POWER Workshops Registration Open
ARC is co-hosting a series of technical assistance workshops in Appalachia this spring to help coal-impacted communities determine whether they are eligible for POWER Initiative funding, identify potential projects and collaborators, and apply for support for project implementation and/or technical assistance. The POWER workshops are free and open to the public.  Register now

POWER Technical Assistance Support Available for Appalachia's Coal-Impacted Communities
ARC is now accepting applications for technical assistance through the 2016 POWER Initiative to help Appalachia's coal-impacted communities with economic development planning, assessment activities, and capacity building to create a more vibrant economic future. $1.2 million is available through this technical assistance effort, which complements the $45 million available through ARC's POWER Initiative implementation grants. Learn more

Obama Administration Announces $65.8 Million Available for Economic and Workforce Development in Coal-Impacted Communities
Through the administration's POWER Initiative, communities negatively impacted by changes in the coal economy can apply for resources from ARC and EDA to develop new strategies for economic growth and worker advancement.  Press release

ARC Announces $45,000 Grant to the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham to Promote Public Health
The award is part of an effort by the Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts, to promote health in Appalachian and southern states.   Press release

Obama Administration Requests $120 Million for ARC for FY 2017
The president's fiscal year 2017 budget request for ARC includes $50 million for the multiagency POWER Initiative, which targets federal resources to help coal-impacted communities diversify their economies, create jobs, and attract new sources of investment.   Press release

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam is Named 2016 ARC States' Co-Chair
Haslam was selected by his fellow Appalachian governors to serve as the Commission's states' co-chair for 2016.  Press release

Appalachian Communities Receive 2016 Local Foods, Local Places Initiative Awards
Six Appalachian communities are among the 27 awardees nationwide who will receive technical support to integrate local food into their community development strategies to help create economic opportunity, improve access to healthy local food, and revitalize rural downtowns and main streets.   Press release

Application Period Open for 2016 ARC-ORNL Summer Science Programs
Application materials are now available for two ARC-Oak Ridge National Laboratory learning programs to be held in summer 2016: a high school math-science-technology institute for students and teachers, and a middle school science academy for students. Both programs are all expenses paid and offer the opportunity to work with world-class scientists. Application deadlines vary by state from early to mid March.   Application information

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs FY 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation
Signed on December 18, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, provides a total of $146 million for ARC.  Legislative update

ARC Hosts 120 Student Leaders at 2015 Appalachian Teaching Project Conference
Students and faculty representing 15 Appalachian colleges and universities participated in the 15th annual Appalachian Teaching Project (ATP) conference December 4–5, hosted by ARC. ATP helps build youth leadership by giving students the opportunity to develop applied research projects on emerging development issues in Appalachia and present their work to peers and leaders at an annual symposium.  Press release

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs Multi-Year Highway Bill Reauthorizing ARC through FY 2020
Signed by the president on December 4, P.L. 114-94 authorizes ARC's nonhighway program through FY 2020 at a funding level of $110 million a year.  Legislative update

Applications Due December 4 for ARC/NEA "Gateway Community" Technical Assistance Workshop
Community teams can apply through December 4 for a three-day regional workshop in Rogersville, Alabama, that will help them develop action plans for capitalizing on their area's unique natural and cultural-heritage resources. The workshop will be held February 9-11 at Joe Wheeler State Park.  More information

Appalachia to Get Boost from First Round of POWER Initiative Investments
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl was joined by state and federal officials October 15 in announcing POWER awards made to six projects in the Region to help diversify economies in areas impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector.  Press release

ARC's 2015 Annual Conference to be Held October 14-15
The Commission's 2015 conference, in Somerset, Kentucky, will showcase effective approaches to addressing key development issues facing Appalachian communities today. Sessions will focus on local models for increasing access to broadband, supporting employer-driven workforce development, and engaging the Region's next generation of leaders.  More information

Team Announced to Lead Innovative Community Health Research Project in Appalachia
PDA, Inc., of Raleigh, North Carolina, will be the lead investigator for "Creating a Culture of Health in Appalachia: Disparities and Bright Spots," a regional public health research project exploring health outcomes in Appalachian communities. The project is sponsored by ARC, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.   Press release

ARC and NEA to Offer Technical Assistance Workshops for Appalachian "Gateway" Communities
The three-day regional workshops in Berea, Kentucky, and Rogersville, Alabama, will help community teams develop action plans for capitalizing on their area's unique natural and cultural-heritage resources. The workshop application deadline is October 6.  More information

ARC Announces Investment to Provide Equipment, Support for North Carolina's Textile Industry
On National Manufacturing Day, October 2, ARC announced $300,000 in grants for state-of-the-art equipment and support for the Manufacturing Solutions Center, a division of Catawba Valley Community College in Burke County, North Carolina; Industrial Commons; and the Carolina Textile District, a Morganton-based network of small and medium-sized textile and apparel manufacturers. The investment will help strengthen North Carolina textile manufacturers' global competitiveness.  Press release

Obama Administration Selects Three Appalachian Communities as Rural IMPACT Demonstration Sites
Berea, Kentucky; Hillsboro, Ohio; and Oakland, Maryland, were selected to participate in the national Rural IMPACT demonstration project to help communities adopt a comprehensive, whole-family framework for addressing child poverty.  News brief

Kentucky Launches Development of Statewide Broadband Network
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl joined Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers at Hazard Community and Technical College on August 31 to launch the development of KentuckyWired, a statewide broadband network that will provide affordable, reliable high-speed Internet connectivity across the state.  News brief

Legislative Update: Senate Approves Six-Year Highway Reauthorization Bill; Congress Extends Funding for Highway Programs through October 29
Approved July 30, the Senate surface transportation bill includes a six-year reauthorization of ARC nonhighway programs, as well as authorization for a new broadband deployment initiative at the Commission. Congress has passed a three-month extension of federal highway program funding to allow continued work on the reauthorization legislation.   Legislative update

Applications Due September 15 for 2015 Local Foods, Local Places Assistance
Through the second round of the Local Foods, Local Places program, agencies including ARC will provide direct technical support to help communities build strong local food systems to spur economic growth.  Press release

ARC Seeks Proposals for Research Study on Impacts of ADHS Completion
The Commission invites proposals from qualified research teams and consultants to conduct a large-scale research study on the economic and transportation impacts of the completion of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS). Proposals are due July 17, 2015.   Request for proposals (PDF: 500 KB)
NEW: RFP Questions and answers as of 7/13/15 (PDF: 100 KB)

Applications Due July 10 for ARC POWER Implementation Grants
Appalachian communities can apply to ARC through July 10 for POWER Initiative implementation grants of up to $75,000 each. Part of the up to $35.5 million in implementation funding available from federal agencies, the ARC grants will help communities undertake economic and workforce development activities developed through a region-wide planning process. The POWER Initiative was launched in March to assist communities and workers negatively impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector.  More information
NEW: Application email submission instructions (PDF: 70 KB)

Pittsburgh Manufacturing Community is Selected for Support through National IMCP Competition
The Greater Pittsburgh Metals Manufacturing Community is one of 12 additional communities nationwide recognized through the federal Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership, which aims to accelerate the resurgence of manufacturing in the United States. The communities will receive coordinated support from ARC and other agencies.  News brief

Obama Administration Announces 2015 Local Foods, Local Places Assistance
Through the second round of the Local Foods, Local Places program, agencies including ARC will provide direct technical support to help communities build strong local food systems to spur economic growth. Applications are due September 15.  Press release

ARC's Strategic Planning Survey Open through June 19
ARC is conducting a public survey on the issues, challenges, and opportunities in Appalachian communities as it develops a new strategic plan to guide its economic and community development efforts in the Region over the period 2016-2020. The survey is open to all community members and takes 10 minutes or less to complete.  Take the survey

June 17 Workshop in Mississippi Will Highlight Federal Health Funding Opportunities
Representatives of community health-care and economic development organizations in Appalachian and Delta Mississippi and surrounding states are invited to join a technical assistance workshop June 17 on HRSA's funding opportunities for health-care initiatives, with an emphasis on health-care workforce development programs. Co-hosted by ARC, HRSA, and the Delta Regional Authority, the workshop will also offer strategies for writing an effective funding application. Registration is free. Participants are encouraged to prepare for the workshop by watching the "HRSA 101" webcast available on HRSA's Web site.

ARC Announces Successful First-Round Investment Closing of Appalachian Community Capital
At the 2015 CGI America meeting on June 10, ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl announced the successful first-round investment closing of Appalachian Community Capital, a new central bank for development lenders that will increase the availability of capital to Appalachia's small businesses. More than $15 million in new investment capital has been committed. When fully funded, ACC is expected to leverage $233 million in private bank capital and help create 2,200 jobs.  Press release and video

Resources Available from EDA Webinar on POWER Initiative Grant Opportunities
On May 27, the U.S. Economic Development Administration, the National Association of Development Organizations, and the National Association of Regional Councils hosted a webinar to provide guidance on the competitive grant opportunities available through the administration's POWER Initiative, including $500,000 in implementation grants from ARC. A recording of the webinar and presentation slides are now on the NADO Web site.

May 27 Webinar Will Focus on POWER Initiative Grant Opportunities
The U.S. Economic Development Administration, the National Association of Development Organizations, and the National Association of Regional Councils will host a webinar May 27 on the competitive grant opportunities available through the administration's POWER Initiative, a multi-agency effort to assist communities and workers impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector. Funding opportunities include $500,000 in implementation grants from ARC. The webinar will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT. Online registration is open.

Legislative Update: Senate Appropriations Committee Approves FY 2016 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill Containing $105 Million for ARC
The legislation provides a total of $105 million for ARC's FY 2016 nonhighway programs, of which $25 million is allocated for the administration's proposed POWER+ Plan to help communities that have been adversely impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector.  Legislative update

ARC to Offer POWER Implementation Grants to Assist Communities Affected by Changes in Coal Industry and Power Sector
The Commission will join EDA, ETA, and the SBA in offering a total of up to $35.5 million in funding through the administration's Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative launched in March. ARC grants of up to $75,000 each will help communities undertake coordinated economic and workforce development activities developed through a region-wide planning process. Applications for ARC funding are due July 10.  More information

2015 SOAR Strategy Summit to be Held May 11
The Kentucky Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) initiative's 2015 strategy summit, "Creating Our Future: Regional Strategies for Growth and Development," will be held in Pikeville; agenda and registration information are available on the SOAR Web site.

Webinar, FAQ Offer Guidance on Proposed "Bright Spots" Appalachian Health Conditions Study
A recording is now available of a May 7 webinar hosted by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky on the proposed "Bright Spots" research project initiated in partnership with ARC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to document disparities in health outcomes in Appalachia. Information from the webinar's Q&A period will also be incorporated into an updated FAQ available on the foundation's Web site.

May 7 Webinar and New FAQ Offer Guidance on Proposed "Bright Spots" Appalachian Health Conditions Study
On Thursday, May 7, the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky will host a webinar on the proposed "Bright Spots" research project initiated in partnership with ARC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to document disparities in health outcomes in Appalachia. The webinar will begin at 10:00 a.m. EDT and will provide a project overview and an opportunity for applicants to ask questions. To register, email Alexa Kerley at [email protected]. Applicants can also get more information on the project from a new FAQ available on the foundation's Web site.

Legislative Update: House Approves FY 2016 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill Containing $95 Million for ARC
Approved on May 1, the legislation provides $95 million for ARC's FY 2016 nonhighway programs. This amount is $5 million more than the Commission's FY 2015 funding level. Action from the Senate appropriations committee is pending.  Legislative update

Legislative Update: House Appropriations Committee Approves FY 2016 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill
Approved on April 22, the legislation provides a total of $95 million for ARC's FY 2016 nonhighway programs. This amount is $5 million more than ARC's FY 2015 funding level.  Legislative update

RFP Issued for Three-Year "Bright Spots" Study on Appalachian Health Conditions
ARC, in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, invites proposals from qualified research teams and consultants to document and examine health conditions in Appalachia. The research project will document disparities in health outcomes, investigate the causes of local and regional disparities, and identify "Bright Spots," communities that have better-than-expected health outcomes given their economic status. The RFP is available on the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky's Web site.

ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl Honored with Visionary Impact Award
Gohl was recognized by U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers on April 7 at the 2015 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit for his leadership in the effort to combat prescription substance abuse.  Press release

ARC Issues 2015 Data Overview of Appalachian Region
ARC has issued the Population Reference Bureau's 2015 data overview of the Appalachian Region, based on the 2009-2013 American Community Survey. This annually published report provides state- and county-level information on a range of data topics, including population, race and ethnicity, education, employment, income and poverty, health insurance coverage, and disability status. This year's report also includes a new "degree field" education topic.  Read the report

Registration Open for ARC Strategic Planning Listening Sessions
ARC will hold a series of listening sessions in the Appalachian Region in May and June as it develops a new strategic plan to guide the Commission's economic and community development efforts over the next five years. Sessions will be held in North Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. More information and registration are available at

Federal Grant Opportunities Available to Support Development of Rural Health Networks
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy will promote the development of rural health networks through two pilot programs targeting health-care training and care coordination. Application deadlines are March 31 and April 6.  News brief

March 30 Webinar Will Highlight Support Available through the Rural Energy for America Program
USDA Rural Development will host a free webinar on Monday, March 30, on how agricultural producers and rural small businesses can benefit from funding opportunities available through the Rural Energy for America Program for energy-efficiency improvements. The webinar will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EDT. Online registration is available.

POWER Initiative to Assist Communities Affected by Changes in Coal Industry and Power Sector
ARC Executive Director Scott Hamilton joined senior administration officials and Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear in announcing the initiative, which will award competitive grants to help impacted communities diversify their economies, create jobs in new or existing industries, and provide skills training.  News brief

President Obama Announces TechHire Initiative to Boost High-Tech Training and Employment
The multi-sector initiative aims to help workers gain the skills needed for and connect with well-paying technology jobs. Eastern Kentucky and Chattanooga, Tennessee, are among the communities nationwide that have committed to developing strategies to expand workers' access to tech jobs.  News brief

ARC-Hosted Roundtable Examines Opportunities, Strategies for Eastern Kentucky's Technology Workforce
The March 4 gathering of workforce and technology leaders identified strengths in the effort to build a competitive technology workforce that can help diversify Appalachian Kentucky's economy.  News brief

EDA-IEDC Webinar Offers Guidance on "Manufacturing Community" Competition Applications
On February 20, the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the International Economic Development Council held a webinar to provide guidance to communities applying for a "manufacturing community" designation from the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership. A recording of the webinar is now available on the EDA Web site.

Report Cites Economic Progress and Challenges in Appalachian Region Since 1965
A new ARC research study shows that substantial economic progress has been made in Appalachia since the Commission's inception in 1965 but that significant challenges remain.  Press release

February 20 Webinar to Offer Guidance on "Manufacturing Community" Competition Applications
On Friday, February 20, the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the International Economic Development Council will hold a free webinar to provide guidance to communities applying for a "manufacturing community" designation from the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership.  News brief

ARC Partners with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky on Three-Year "Bright Spots" Health Research Project
The innovative $1 million project will identify successful approaches to improving health outcomes in Appalachian communities to determine best practices that can help reduce the Region's persistent health disparities.  Press release

Obama Administration Requests $95 Million for ARC for FY 2016
The proposed fiscal year 2016 funding for ARC includes $25 million to implement the multiagency POWER+ Plan to help communities adversely affected by the decline in coal-related jobs diversify their economies and create new employment opportunities.  Press release

Applications Due April 1 for Next Phase of National IMCP Competition
The application process is now open for the next phase of competition under the federal Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership, which aims to help communities develop environments where manufacturing will thrive. The competition will designate additional "Manufacturing Communities" across the country, giving them priority in consideration for federal funding and coordinated assistance from ARC and other agencies.  News brief

President Obama Announces "America's College Promise" Proposal at Pellissippi State Community College
On January 9, President Obama visited the Appalachian Region to announce the America's College Promise proposal to make two years of community college free for responsible students, letting students earn the first half of a bachelor's degree and learn skills needed in the workforce at no cost. The event took place at Pellissippi State Community College in Knoxville, Tennessee.  News brief

Eight Appalachian Communities Create "Livable Communities" Action Plans to Develop Local Food Systems
The communities worked with small-town-development experts through the Livable Communities technical assistance program provided by ARC, EPA, and USDA, focused on the development of local food systems as a means of promoting economic diversification and the revitalization of traditional downtowns.  News brief

Application Materials Now Available for ARC-ORNL 2015 Summer Science Programs
Applications are being accepted for the summer 2015 ARC-Oak Ridge National Laboratory high school math-science-technology institute for students and teachers, and the middle school science academy for students. Both programs are all expenses paid and offer the opportunity to work with world-class scientists. Application deadlines vary by state from early to mid March.  Application information

New Tools for Job Seekers, Employers, and Community Leaders to Help Expand Opportunities for the Long-Term Unemployed
In support of the White House National Economic Council's efforts to improve recruiting and hiring of the long-term unemployed, Deloitte and the Rockefeller Foundation have collaborated to develop a series of handbooks designed to help expand opportunities for these workers. Based on interviews with employers, job seekers, and employment-focused organizations across the United States, the handbooks offer guidance and resources to help job seekers re-tool their job search; empower employers to tap into this talent pool; and enable communities to work together to mitigate this economic challenge. The handbooks are available for download on Deloitte's Web site.

ARC Seeks Proposals for Assistance with Strategic Plan Development
ARC seeks contractual support for a qualified team of planners, facilitators, and writers to assist the Commission with development of a new strategic plan. The selected contractor(s) will work closely with ARC and its local and state partners to shape the effort over the course of a nine-month period beginning in January 2015.  Request for proposals (PDF: 100 KB)

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs FY 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation
Signed on December 16, the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, provides a total of $90 million for ARC's fiscal year 2015 nonhighway programs.  Legislative update

Legislative Update: Senate Approves FY 2015 Omnibus Spending Bill
The Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, provides a total of $90 million for ARC's fiscal year 2015 nonhighway programs. The president is expected to sign the legislation.  Legislative update

Legislative Update: House Approves FY 2015 Omnibus Spending Bill; Congress Extends Agency Funding through Short-Term Continuing Resolution
Senate action is pending on the FY 2015 omnibus funding legislation passed by the House on December 11; a two-day continuing resolution will provide funding for government agencies, including ARC, through December 13.  Legislative update

Eight Appalachian Communities are Winners of National "Local Foods, Local Places" Grant Competition
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl joined USDA and EPA officials December 3 in announcing the eight winning Appalachian communities, which will receive technical assistance and implementation support to help them integrate local food systems into their economic development action plans.  Press release

AACC Hosts Webinar for Appalachian Community Colleges on Registered Apprenticeship Program Funding
The American Association of Community Colleges' November 5 webinar provided information to Appalachian community colleges on the U.S. Department of Labor's Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium initiative and anticipated upcoming funding opportunities for Registered Apprenticeship programs. A recording of the webinar is now available for viewing.

AACC to Host November 5 Webinar for Appalachian Community Colleges on Registered Apprenticeship Program Funding
The American Association of Community Colleges will hold a webinar at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 5, to provide information to Appalachian community colleges on the U.S. Department of Labor's Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium initiative and anticipated upcoming funding opportunities for Registered Apprenticeship programs.  News brief

ARC to Participate in Next Phase of IMCP Initiative Supporting "Manufacturing Communities"
On October 31, the Obama administration announced the next phase of competition under the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership, which aims to accelerate the resurgence of manufacturing in American communities. The competition will designate additional "Manufacturing Communities" across the country, giving them priority in consideration for federal funding and coordinated assistance from ARC and other agencies.  News brief

Appalachian Governors Name New ARC States' Washington Representatives
As the governors' new Washington-based representatives to the Commission, Jim McCleskey and James Hyland will work with congressional principals to represent the Appalachian states' economic development goals and provide counsel on policy matters related to the Region and to ARC.  Press release

ARC and State of Alabama Hold October 8–9 "Investing in Appalachia's Youth" Conference
The Commission's 2014 fall conference in Florence, Alabama, explored strategies Appalachian communities can use to engage and support their young people and help reverse youth outmigration.  More information

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs Legislation Funding Government Agencies through December 11
Signed on September 19, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015, provides funding for ARC's nonhighway programs at a level of approximately $80.3 million.  Legislative update

National Entrepreneurship Challenge Focuses on Rural Entrepreneurs and Innovations; Applications Due September 15
The American Farm Bureau Federation's Rural Entrepreneurship Challenge is the first national business competition focused exclusively on rural entrepreneurs and business innovations cultivated in rural regions of the United States. Participants will compete for up to $30,000 and technical assistance to help them implement their business concepts.  News brief

ARC Issues Reports on Water and Forest Resources in Appalachia
Part of a long-term research objective to understand Appalachia's natural assets, the two reports include inventories of the assets, analysis of their value and use, assessments of their potential contribution to economic development in the Region, and frameworks to help with planning their best use. The assessments' primary goal is to provide information that will encourage sustainable management of these assets across the Region.  See report details: water resources assessment and forest resources assessment

Scott T. Hamilton Joins ARC as Executive Director
Hamilton comes to ARC from the AdvantageWest Economic Development Group, a nonprofit organization serving the western region of North Carolina. He began his appointment at ARC September 8.  More information

ARC, USDA, and Commerce Host New York Export and Investment Forum
The September 5 forum in Cortland was one of a series of events taking place across the country to help grow rural economies as part of the White House Rural Council's Made in Rural America export and investment initiative. Sessions focused on expanding international market opportunities for rural businesses, including value-added agricultural producers.  More information

Report Examines College Completion Metrics in Appalachia
ARC has issued a new report that analyzes college completion metrics for the Appalachian Region, compares outcomes of students attending campuses inside and outside of the Region, and discusses stumbling blocks to college completion in Appalachia.  Report details

ARC Seeks Proposals for Program Evaluation of Telecommunications and Technology Projects
ARC invites proposals from researchers and consultants to conduct a large-scale program evaluation of its telecommunications and technology projects funded in fiscal years 2004 through 2010. The evaluation's primary goal is to determine the extent to which telecommunications and technology projects have contributed to the attainment of ARC's economic development objectives. Proposals are due on or before August 21.  Request for proposals (PDF: 100 KB)

Medical Training Mission Will Provide Free Health-Care Services in Western Maryland August 13–21
Residents of the western Maryland region will be able to receive free medical, dental, vision, and veterinary care services through the U.S. Department of Defense's Appalachian Mountain Innovative Readiness Training event.  News brief

On-Site Registration Available for August 18 "Made in Rural America" Export and Investment Forum in Birmingham
As part of the White House Rural Council's Made in Rural America export and investment initiative, ARC will host a regional forum in Birmingham, Alabama, on opportunities and resources to help expand rural trade and investment. Registration is free.  More information

Kentucky SOAR Extends Search for First Executive Director
The Commonwealth of Kentucky has extended its search for an executive director to lead the Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) initiative, established by Governor Steve Beshear and Congressman Hal Rogers in 2013 to help eastern Kentucky create local development strategies addressing persistent challenges and realizing new opportunities. Applications for the position will now be accepted through August 15.   News brief

Scott T. Hamilton, President and CEO of AdvantageWest, Is Named ARC Executive Director
Hamilton comes to ARC from the AdvantageWest Economic Development Group, a nonprofit organization serving the western region of North Carolina. He will begin his appointment at ARC in September.  Press release

Cover of summer 2014 issue of <i>Food Traveler Magazine</i>, which includes ARC's new <i>Bon Appetit
Appalachia</i> tourism mapguide.
ARC Launches "Bon Appétit Appalachia" Tourism Mapguide
Published in the summer 2014 issue of Food Traveler Magazine, the new "Bon Appétit Appalachia" local-food mapguide showcases 283 of the Region's most distinctive food destinations, including local farms, farmers markets, farm-to-table restaurants, wineries, and other culinary attractions. The mapguide is also available as an interactive feature at  Press release

Applications Due July 15 for "Local Foods, Local Places" Technical Assistance for Rural Communities
The new "Local Foods, Local Places" initiative, supported by ARC, USDA, EPA, DOT, and the Delta Regional Authority, will provide technical support to help rural communities develop and implement action plans promoting local food systems. Letters of interest are due July 15.  News brief

Legislative Update: House Approves FY 2015 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill
On July 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation containing $80.317 million for ARC's fiscal year 2015 nonhighway programs. This amount is level with ARC's FY 2014 funding.  Legislative update

Legislative Update: House Appropriations Committee Approves FY 2015 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill
Approved on June 18, the legislation provides $80.317 million for ARC's FY 2015 nonhighway programs. This amount is level with ARC's FY 2014 funding.  Legislative update

Kentucky SOAR Launches Search for First Executive Director
The Commonwealth of Kentucky will hire an executive director to lead the Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) initiative established by Governor Steve Beshear and Congressman Hal Rogers in late 2013. SOAR aims to help eastern Kentucky create local development strategies addressing persistent challenges and realizing new opportunities. Applications are due June 30.   News brief

Legislative Update: House Subcommittee Approves Level Funding for ARC for FY 2015; Senate Committee Approves Bill Reauthorizing ARC's Nonhighway Programs through 2018
The House Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development has approved appropriations legislation containing $80.317 million for ARC's FY 2015 nonhighway programs. Full Senate action is pending on a bill that would reauthorize ARC's nonhighway programs through 2018.  Legislative update

White House Rural Council Announces New "Local Food, Local Places" Initiative in Forum on Regional Food Economies
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl joined USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx on June 9 in announcing the new Local Food, Local Places initiative supporting local food system development in rural communities. The announcement was made during a White House Rural Council forum on local food systems' emerging role as economic drivers in rural communities and the federal resources available to support their development.  News brief

White House Rural Council to Host June 9 Virtual Forum on Regional Food Economies
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl will join USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx for a forum on local food systems' emerging role as economic drivers in rural communities, and the federal resources available to support their development. The forum will be live-streamed beginning at 12:45 p.m. EDT at  News brief

ARC Hosts First "Made in Rural America" Regional Export Forum
As part of the White House Rural Council's Made in Rural America export and investment initiative, ARC hosted a regional forum in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on June 4 on opportunities and resources to help expand rural businesses' international market opportunities.   More information

Rural Appalachian Communities Receive Free Health Care through Army Readiness Training Event
Residents of rural communities in the western North Carolina region received free medical, dental, vision, and veterinary services June 2–12 through the Appalachian Care Medical Mission, a U.S. Army innovative readiness training event supported by ARC.  News brief

Northwest Georgia Region and Tennessee Valley Designated As "Manufacturing Communities" in National IMCP Competition
The two Appalachian communities are among 12 nationwide that were recognized through the federal Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership initiative, which aims to accelerate the resurgence of manufacturing in American communities.  Press release

Appalachian Business Delegation Will Join "Trade Winds—The Americas" Trade Mission in Bogota
ARC's Export Trade Advisory Council will sponsor a multi-sector Appalachian business delegation to the U.S. Department of Commerce's May 19–21 Trade Winds business development conference and trade mission, focused on countries in South and Central America.  News brief

ARC Partners with Operation UNITE on 2014 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit; Video from Summit Now Available
ARC partnered with Operation UNITE to support the continuing education of medical professionals and community leaders attending the third National Rx Drug Abuse Summit April 22-24 in Atlanta, Georgia, an event aimed at fostering better understanding and cooperation among stakeholders working to combat the nationwide prescription drug abuse epidemic. Complete video coverage of summit events is available from WYMT-TV's Web site

Applicants to Receive Notice on ARC's TAACCCT Application Development Grants by May 14
ARC is offering competitive grants to support the development of applications to the fourth round of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant program, a multiyear initiative implemented by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education to expand targeted training programs for unemployed workers. Applicants who have submitted to ARC their letters of intent to participate in the TAACCCT program will be notified of their eligibility for reimbursement of application expenses by May 14.  More information

Materials Available from April 2014 Appalachian Diabetes Consultation
ARC's April 10 Appalachian Diabetes Consultation fostered discussion among diabetes experts, Commission members, and other key regional stakeholders on the disease and its implications for economic and community development in Appalachia. Presentations, handouts, and other materials from the consultation are available for download from the ARC Web site.  Consultation materials

Letters of Intent Due April 30 for TAACCCT Application Development Grants
ARC is offering competitive grants to support the development of applications to the fourth round of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant program, a multiyear initiative implemented by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education to expand targeted training programs for unemployed workers, especially those impacted by foreign trade. Approximately $450 million will be awarded through the fourth round of the TAACCCT program. ARC application funds are available to organizations whose proposed projects will serve the Appalachian Region.  More information

ARC Partners with Operation UNITE on 2014 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit
ARC is partnering with Operation UNITE to support the continuing education of medical professionals and community leaders attending the third National Rx Drug Abuse Summit April 22-24 in Atlanta, Georgia.  News brief

ARC, EPA, and USDA Announce Winners of 2014 Appalachian Livable Communities Competition
Communities in Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and West Virginia were selected to receive technical assistance and implementation support through the 2014 Appalachian Livable Communities program, which focuses on developing local food systems as a means of revitalizing traditional downtowns and promoting economic diversification.  Press release

Applications Due April 14 for Federal "Manufacturing Community" Competition
Communities applying for designation as "manufacturing communities" from the administration's Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership must submit applications by 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 14. Designated communities will receive priority in consideration for federal funding and assistance to help them create globally competitive environments that grow, retain, and expand manufacturing investment and spur international trade.  More information.

Registration Deadline Extended to April 11 for 2014 DDAA Professional Development Conference
Registration and hotel reservations deadlines have been extended to April 11 for the Development District Association of Appalachia's April 27–29 professional development conference in Kingsport, Tennessee. More information and registration are available on the DDAA Web site.

International Transportation Economic Development Conference to Be Held April 9-11
The link between transportation and economic development will be explored at the ARC-supported 2014 I-TED conference, to be held in Dallas, Texas. I-TED 2014 will focus on the emerging transportation needs of business and economic development communities at the local, regional, state, national, and global levels. More information and registration is available on the conference Web site.

ARC to Host Appalachian Diabetes Consultation on April 10
The Washington, D.C., consultation will foster discussion among diabetes experts, Commission members, and other key regional stakeholders on the disease and its implications for economic and community development in Appalachia.  More information

Appalachia Funders Network Holds 2014 Annual Meeting
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl spoke on Appalachia's economic transition at the network's fifth annual meeting, held April 1–3 in Athens, Ohio. The network is a group of public and private grant makers that works to promote an entrepreneurial-based Appalachian economy.  More information

Cover of 2014 DDAA Conference Program
2014 Development District Association of Appalachia Conference to Be Held March 23–25
The 2014 DDAA conference, "Serving Appalachia's Communities: Highlighting the Present and Visioning the Future," will be held March 23–25 in Arlington, Virginia. The conference will provide insight on key current and emerging development issues and opportunities, and share ideas that can help LDDs in their work with communities to chart a positive course for future development. Conference Web site

New ARC Study Examines Economic Diversity in Appalachia
The March 2014 ARC-commissioned study Economic Diversity in Appalachia analyzes economic diversity trends in Appalachian counties and sub-regions and offers case studies on diversification strategies used in ten counties in the Region. The study is accompanied by a Web-based tool that provides quantitative information on Appalachian communities' economic diversity. A recording of a March 11 webinar demonstrating use of the tool is available for viewing.  More information

March 11 Webinar Will Demonstrate Web-Based Tool on Economic Diversity in Appalachia
ARC will offer a webinar at 2:00 p.m. EDT on March 11 to demonstrate a new Web-based tool designed to support economic development planning in Appalachian communities by providing quantitative information on their economic diversity. The tool was developed as part of a Commission-funded research study on economic diversity in the Region.  News brief

Legislative Update: Obama Administration Requests $68.2 Million for ARC for FY 2015
The proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 assumes no major policy or programmatic changes for Commission activities and will continue the administration's interagency focus on strengthening and diversifying the Appalachian economy.  Legislative update

ARC-ORNL 2014 Summer Science Programs Application Materials Now Available
Applications are being accepted for the summer 2014 ARC–Oak Ridge National Laboratory high school math-science-technology institute for students and teachers, and the middle school science academy for students. Both programs are all expenses paid and offer the opportunity to work with world-class scientists. Applications for both programs are due March 7.  Application information

ARC Supports Launch of Southeastern Kentucky "Promise Zone" Announced by Obama Administration
The Commission has awarded a $250,000 grant to the Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation to begin implementing its "Promise Zone" economic revitalization project in eight southeastern Kentucky counties.  Press release

ARC Executive Director Thomas Hunter Retires after 20 Years of Distinguished Service
Hunter was honored by the 13 Appalachian governors for his service to the Commission and the Appalachian Region at ARC's annual governors' quorum meeting in Washington on February 23.  Press release

ARC-Sponsored Summit Will Highlight Rural Community Colleges' Role in Supporting Local Entrepreneurs
ARC and the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship will host the regional summit on February 20 in Ghent, West Virginia.  News brief

EDA-IEDC Webinar Offers Guidance on "Manufacturing Community" Competition Applications
On February 19, the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the International Economic Development Council held a webinar to provide guidance to communities applying for a "manufacturing community" designation from the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership. A recording of the webinar, as well as a Q&A log and other webinar materials, is now available on the EDA Web site.

February 19 Webinar to Offer Guidance on "Manufacturing Community" Competition Applications
On Wednesday, February 19, the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the International Economic Development Council will hold a free webinar to provide guidance to communities applying for a "manufacturing community" designation from the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership.  News brief

Administration's "Made in Rural America" Export and Investment Initiative to Help Rural Businesses Access New Markets
The White House Rural Council will lead the administration's efforts to connect rural business owners with federal resources and information to help develop their exporting potential. In his February 18 guest post on the White House Rural Council blog, ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl highlighted the opportunity the initiative presents for strengthening Appalachian businesses' capacity to compete in the global economy.  Blog post

Report Provides Expanded Data Overview of the Appalachian Region
ARC has issued the Population Reference Bureau's 2014 data overview of the Appalachian Region, based on the 2008–2012 American Community Survey. This annually published report provides state- and county-level information on a range of data topics, including population, age, race and ethnicity, employment, and income and poverty. New topics included in this year's report are health insurance coverage, disability status, veteran status, and poverty by age group.  Read the report

ARC and ETSU Offer Competitive Grants to Support Collaborative Health Projects in Distressed Counties
The ARC-ETSU "Regional Roadmap for a Healthier Appalachian Tennessee" competitive grant program will help communities in economically distressed Tennessee counties establish health initiatives linking health, economic development, and education. Applicants must submit a letter of intent to apply by February 3.  News brief

ARC Joins Federal Agencies in Accelerating Manufacturing Resurgence with Second Phase of "Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership"
Created to help communities develop environments where manufacturing will thrive, the IMCP brings together the resources of multiple agencies to help public and private partners create broad-based prosperity through well-paying manufacturing jobs.   News brief

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs FY 2014 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation Funding Government Agencies through September 30
Signed on January 17, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, provides $80.3 million for ARC's nonhighway programs.   Legislative update

Southeastern Kentucky Region is Designated as "Promise Zone" for Federal Revitalization Investment
An 8-county region of southeastern Kentucky has been designated one of the country's first Promise Zones as part of an Obama administration initiative to revitalize high-poverty communities.  News brief

Legislative Update: Congress Approves Compromise Budget Agreement; House, Senate Appropriations Committees to Draft Omnibus Spending Bill for FY 2014
The compromise budget agreement approved on December 18 sets the government's discretionary spending levels for the next two years.  Legislative update

July Dates Announced for 2014 ARC–Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Learning Programs
ARC and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will offer a high school math-science-technology institute for students and teachers and a middle school science academy for students in summer 2014.  News brief

ARC, EPA, and USDA Announce Four Winners of Appalachian Livable Communities Competition
Communities in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi were selected to receive technical assistance and implementation support through the 2013 Appalachian Livable Communities program, which focuses on developing local food systems as a means of revitalizing traditional downtowns and promoting economic diversification.  Press release

Webinar to Examine Small-Business Access to Capital and Credit in Appalachia
Authors of ARC's comprehensive 2013 study on small businesses' access to credit and capital in Appalachia before and during the financial crisis will lead a 90-minute webinar on the study's findings and implications on Monday, December 9, at 2:00 p.m. (EST). The webinar will include discussion of the small-business lending landscape in Appalachia and of how banks, government, community organizations, and other stakeholders can work together to increase access to capital and credit for small-business development and job creation.  Webinar information

SOAR Citizen Summit to Focus on Development Strategies for Appalachian Kentucky
On December 9, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and Congressman Hal Rogers will host a citizen summit to share new ideas and envision goals and strategies for moving Appalachian Kentucky forward. The summit, "SOAR: Shaping Our Appalachian Region," will be held in Pikeville. ARC and USDA Rural Development are providing support for the event. Additional information is available on the Kentucky Department for Local Government Web site.

A student participant speaks at ARC's 2013 annual Appalachian Teaching Project conference.
Appalachian Students Present Research at 2013 Appalachian Teaching Project Conference
On December 6 and 7, students and faculty representing 15 Appalachian colleges and universities participated in the annual Appalachian Teaching Project (ATP) conference in Arlington, Virginia. Supported by ARC to help build student leadership capacity, the ATP gives college students the opportunity to engage in research projects that address endemic challenges facing communities in the Region.  Conference information

ARC and NEA to Offer Technical Assistance Workshops for Appalachian "Gateway" Communities
The three-day workshops, to be held in early 2014 in Abingdon, Virginia, and Shepherdstown, West Virginia, will help community teams develop action plans for capitalizing on their area's unique natural and cultural-heritage resources.  More information

ARC Entrepreneurship Conference Videos and Materials Now Available Online
Held November 6–7 in Charleston, West Virginia, ARC's 2013 fall conference explored how communities can create an entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports local businesses and fosters economic growth. Videos and presentations from the conference are now available on the ARC Web site.

New West Virginia Angel Investment Fund to Help Boost Local Business Growth
The ARC-supported fund, West Virginia Growth Investment, will pool the resources of accredited investors to support the development of small businesses in Appalachia.   News brief

Two Funding Opportunities Available to Local Diabetes Coalitions in West Virginia
The Marshall University Center for Rural Health is soliciting applications from new and existing diabetes coalitions in eligible West Virginia counties for two grant opportunities. Applications for both opportunities are due November 8.  News brief

Appalachian Capital Policy Initiative Highlighted in OCC Newsletter
The November 2013 issue of the online newsletter Community Developments Investments, published by the Treasury Department's Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), focuses on financing business development and expansion in rural America and features an article highlighting the work of ARC's Appalachian Capital Policy Initiative. It includes a summary of the Commission's new study Access to Capital and Credit in Appalachia and a review of strategies to bring more capital to underserved Appalachian communities.  Read article on OCC site

ARC Commends Four Appalachian Winners in Make it in America Challenge
The four Appalachia-based winners of the national Make It In America Challenge, announced October 22, received awards ranging from $1.7 million to $3.5 million. The challenge is an administration initiative to accelerate job creation and encourage business investment in the United States.  Press release

Application Deadline Extended for 2013 Livable Communities Program
Up to five Appalachian communities will be selected for assistance through the 2013 program, which focuses on developing local food systems to help promote economic diversification and improved quality of life. The application period ends October 18.  News brief

Legislative Update: President Obama Signs Legislation Continuing Government Funding and Extending ARC Nonhighway Programs through January 15
The Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, provides funding for agencies at their FY 2013 post-sequester funding level.  Legislative update

SEDA-Council of Governments Releases Energizing Small Communities Guide
Pennsylvania's SEDA-Council of Governments has released a how-to manual for small communities on developing programs to help reduce their conventional-energy use and boost their economic resilience. The Energizing Small Communities guide was developed through an ARC-supported pilot project to create an energy-independence initiative for the Appalachian community of New Berlin, Pennsylvania. The guide is available as a PDF (11 MB) on the SEDA-COG Energy Resource Center Web site.

ARC Seeks Proposals for Research Study on Structural and Socioeconomic Changes in Appalachia
ARC invites proposals for a research study that will examine significant structural and socioeconomic changes to the Appalachian Region since 1965. The purpose is to quantify and document changes to the Region during this time period and to evaluate ARC's contribution to the Region's economic development. Proposals are due on or before October 9, 2013.  Request for proposals (PDF: 100 KB)

Legislative Update: House Approves Continuing Resolution Providing ARC Funding through December 15
The legislation continues funding for ARC's nonhighway programs at the FY 2013 post-sequester level of $64.9 million.  Legislative update

Buy local produce sign at Mississippi farmers market
Mississippi Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour Highlights Farmers Markets, Product Promotion Efforts; Includes Announcement of Livable Communities Assistance for Appalachian Food System Development
ARC's September tour showcased successful local models in Appalachian Mississippi, highlighting the economic opportunity created by local food systems.  News brief

Appalachia USA Delegation to Promote Exports at 2013 Asia-Pacific International Mining Exhibition
The 25-member delegation of mining equipment, services, and technology professionals will promote their products and expertise and meet with potential clients and business partners from throughout the Asia-Pacific region.  News brief

Photo of ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl and USDA Deputy Under Secretary Joani Walsh with Bonfatto's Spice Cream owner David Letterman on August 5, 2013, during a visit to the company as part of ARC's Pennsylvania Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour.
Pennsylvania Tour Highlights Role of Specialty-Food Businesses, Organics Producers in Local Food Economy
ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl was joined by USDA Deputy Under Secretary Joani Walsh on the August Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour in Pennsylvania, ARC's tenth in a series examining the job-creation potential of local food systems in Appalachia.  News brief

Photo of Maryland Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour participants at Frostburg State University's Grow It Local greenhouse on July 26, 2013.
Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour Showcases Training and Education Programs in Appalachian Maryland
Culinary and agricultural education and training programs, as well as small businesses and farms, were among the destinations included in ARC's July 25-26 Maryland tour highlighting the economic opportunity created by local food systems.  News brief

Photo of ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl and South Carolina state and local officials with the Hub City Farmers Market mobile market on July 11, 2013.
South Carolina Tour Highlights Innovative Approaches to Economic Growth through Local Food Systems
ARC officials completed a two-day South Carolina leg of the Commission's ongoing Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour on July 12, visiting programs including a mobile farmers market and unique culinary and food-service training efforts.  News brief

Photo of ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl and Finger Lakes Fresh staffers Liz Keyser and Curran McKee in Ithaca, New York.
New York Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour Includes Announcement of ARC Grants for Regional Farmers Market, Food Distribution Hub
The Commission's June 25–28 tour showcased innovative local models and regional success stories in Appalachian New York, highlighting the economic opportunity created by local food systems.  News brief

Legislative Update: Senate, House Appropriations Committees Approve FY 2014 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bills
The June 2013 bills contain $68.2 million and $70.3 million, respectively, for ARC's fiscal year 2014 nonhighway programs.  Legislative update

Photo of ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl and Clinton Global Initiative founding chair Bill Clinton at June 14, 2013, announcement of Appalachian Community Capital (ACC), a central bank for development lenders.
ARC Launches Appalachian Community Capital Initiative to Build Access to Credit in Region
At the 2013 CGI America meeting on June 14, ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl announced the creation of Appalachian Community Capital, a new central bank for development lenders that will increase the availability of capital to Appalachia's small businesses. It is expected to leverage $233 million in private bank capital.  Press release and video

West Virginia Marks 150 Years of Statehood
Founded as the nation's 35th state in 1863, West Virginia is commemorating its sesquicentennial with special events through the month of June.  News brief

Photo of ARC Federal Co-Chair Earl Gohl and USDA Rural Development Acting Under Secretary Doug O'Brien listening to Rural Action Executive Director Michelle Decker.
Specialty Food Businesses, Farm-to-School Programs a Focus of Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour in Ohio
ARC Executive Director Earl Gohl and state and local officials were joined by USDA Rural Development Acting Under Secretary Doug O'Brien on the June tour. The tour was ARC's sixth in a series highlighting the potential of local food systems to create economic opportunity in Appalachia.  News brief

ARC-Supported Study Examines Best Practices, Economic Development Impact of Rural Business Incubators
A comprehensive new study conducted by the National Business Incubation Association identifies the best practices used by successful business incubators to grow companies and jobs in rural areas.  News brief

Senior Federal and State Officials Join ARC for Appalachian Jobs and Local Food Systems Tour in West Virginia
Sites visited on the three-day tour included food-related businesses, farms, and schools, highlighting the economic opportunity created by local food systems in West Virginia and showcasing innovative local models.  Press release

Delegation Promotes Appalachian Exports through Multi-Sector Trade Mission in Asia
Executives from 25 Appalachian firms and organizations participated in an Appalachia USA delegation to the May 2013 Trade Winds Asia Forum, a U.S. Department of Commerce business development conference and trade mission in Seoul.  News brief

Appalachian Business Delegation to 2013 Trade Winds Forum Will Explore Export Opportunities in Asia
A multi-sector business delegation from the Region will participate in the May 2013 Trade Winds Asia Forum, a U.S. Department of Commerce business development conference and trade mission in Seoul.  News brief

Logo for 2013 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit
2013 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit to Be Held April 2-4
Operation UNITE will hold the 2013 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit April 2-4 in Orlando, Florida. ARC is partnering with UNITE to support the continuing education of medical professionals and community leaders at the summit.  News brief

ARC Launches Foodways Tour at Appalachia Funders Network Conference
ARC's 13-state Appalachian Foodways Tour, launched in Asheville, North Carolina, on March 20, will highlight the potential of local food systems to create economic opportunity and grow jobs.  Press release

Make it in America Challenge FFO Issued March 18; Deadline for ARC Application Development Grants is April 1
ARC is offering competitive grants to support the development of applications to the Make it in America Challenge, a federal funding opportunity focused on increasing the insourcing of American jobs. The challenge will award a total of up to $40 million to winning projects. ARC funds are available to organizations whose proposed projects will serve the Appalachian Region; applications are due April 1.  More information

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio is Honored by Development District Association of Appalachia
Brown received the DDAA's 2013 Congressional Award on March 12 for his ongoing support for economic development efforts in the Region.  Press release

Legislative Update: Obama Administration Requests $64.6 Million for ARC for FY 2014
The administration's proposed budget requests an amount roughly even with ARC's post-sequester FY 2013 funding and assumes no major policy or programmatic changes for Commission activities.  Legislative update

Online Registration Ends March 6 for 2013 Development District Association of Appalachia Conference
The 2013 DDAA conference, A Proud Heritage and a Bright Tomorrow, will be held March 10–12 in Arlington, Virginia. The conference will provide insight on key current and emerging development issues and opportunities, and share ideas on how LDDs can build on their knowledge to better meet Appalachian communities' needs. Conference Web site

ARC to Produce Local Food Mapguide with American Heritage Society
The tourist-oriented mapguide will showcase Appalachian food-heritage and agritourism attractions to boost tourism and stimulate economic development in the Region.  News brief

ARC to Co-Sponsor Mississippi Food Summit on March 1
The Mississippi Food Summit will promote discussion of efforts to grow the state's sustainable food economy. The summit will be held in Oxford in conjunction with the Gaining Ground Sustainable Living Conference. More information

ARC-ORNL 2013 Summer Science Programs Application Materials Available
Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2013 ARC–Oak Ridge National Laboratory high school math-science-technology institute for students and teachers, and the middle school science academy for students. Both programs are all expenses paid and offer the opportunity to work with world-class scientists. Applications for both programs are due February 27, 2013.  Application information

New Report Provides Data Overview of the Appalachian Region
A report prepared by the Population Reference Bureau details state- and county-level data on population; age; race and ethnicity; housing occupancy and tenure; education; labor force, employment, and unemployment; income and poverty; and migration patterns. The report is based on data from the 2007–2011 American Community Survey for the 13 Appalachian states.  Read the report