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J-1 Visa Waivers

Under certain circumstances, the Appalachian Regional Commission will request a waiver of immigration requirements for foreign-trained physicians doing residency work in the United States under a J-1 visa. Physicians receiving these waivers must practice for at least three years in rural Appalachian areas that suffer significant shortages of health care providers. These areas, called Health Professional Shortage Areas, are identified by the U.S. Public Health Service.

Requests for waivers under the ARC J-1 Visa Program must be sponsored by a state within the Appalachian Region. All inquiries should be made to state contacts.

J-1 Visa Waiver State Public Contacts

ARC Federal Co-Chair's J-1 Visa Waiver Policy

J-1 Visa Waiver Affidavit and Agreement

J-1 Visa Waiver Policy: Sample Notice

J-1 Visa Liquidated Damages Clause