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Entrepreneurship Initiative Approved Projects: Ohio

PROJECT: ACEnet Building Entrepreneurial Networks
GRANTEE: Appalachian Center for Entrepreneurial Networks (ACEnet)

Purpose: To expand the Computer Opportunities Program to three high schools in Athens County and to institutionalize the program in the two schools in which it currently operates.


ARC: $50,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $12,500
Total: $62,500

Description: The Computer Opportunities Program is an entrepreneurial training and internship program for high school students. In the program, students learn how to make web pages, business materials, price lists, in addition to learning how to conduct computer training for their peers, teachers, and clients. Students work as consultants and trainers, earning income during the program. The Computer Opportunities Program has already demonstrated that it can provide strong economic incentives for young people to remain in the area. For example, of the 26 students who were involved in the piloting of the program last year, eight are well paid in computer-related jobs, and two operate their own computer businesses. At least 45 high school students in three high schools will participate in the project which will result in either ownership of a computer consulting business, employment in a technology-related position, or higher education. Completed outcomes during the grant period include the participation of 30 high school students in two high schools in this project. Also, the COP (Computer Opportunities Program) was refined and revised, and is available online.


PROJECT: ACEnet Central Appalachian Specialty Food Cluster
GRANTEE: Appalachian Center for Economic Networks

Purpose: This activity will support the applicant's efforts to improve the competitiveness of value added food processors in the region.


ARC: $50,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $50,000
Total: $100,000

Description: The Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACEnet) expanded a regional food industry cluster in southeastern Ohio to create new opportunities for very small firms to access targeted expert resources and flexible capital. The project enables firms to: (1) access manufacturing and sector-specific technical information and work with industry experts to develop new products and services; (2) identify sources of patient and equity like capital for company expansions, and; (3) participate in an Internet based learning network. Partners include EWI, the manufacturing extension program in the region, the Ohio State University Food Science Department, and four local private sector industry leaders. During the grant period, training was provided to 15 specialty food processors through a 1 ? day short course involving national experts in food processing. 50 firms were provided with technical assistance through partnership with CIFT – Center for Innovative Food Technology. A Specialty Food Webpage was developed, providing marketing and sourcing information for the food products industry. ACEnet has made 14 loans/investments in growing firms through the ACEnet Ventures Fund.


PROJECT: Adams County Entrepreneurial Education Program
GRANTEE: Adams County/Ohio Valley School District

Purpose: To promote pro-active economic growth through youth entrepreneurship.


ARC: $4,742
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $22,262
Total: $27,004

Description: During the grant period, an entrepreneurial curriculum enhancement program was implemented for 208 students in the 5th and 6th grades at Peebles Elementary School. Under the program, students were engaged in developing a work ethic, taught how the money system works, how to develop a business, and how to maintain business records. Completed project outcomes include 8 teachers trained and 232 students receiving instruction in economics and entrepreneurship. Additionally, local business people were invited to talk to the students about their businesses. Businesses that participated included banks, a lumber company, an automobile dealership, and restaurants.


PROJECT: Appalachian Economic Education
GRANTEE: Junior Achievement of Central Ohio

Purpose: To support youth entrepreneurial education throughout the region.


ARC: $50,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $103,441
Local: $86,987
Total: $240,428

Description: Junior Achievement (JA) of Central Ohio delivers the fifth grade 'Our Nation' program to all 29 Ohio Appalachian counties. The program is delivered in a classroom setting by representatives from the community and local businesses. The grantee's partners include several successful Ohio Junior Achievement franchises and the state Rotary Club. The 'Our Nation' program is part of an ongoing Junior Achievement curriculum targeted at helping students become entrepreneurs and better prepared employees.

Completed outcomes for the grant period include presenting the 'Our Nation' JA curriculum to 236 fifth grade classes (5,528 students). Additionally, 240 local volunteers, including business owners and community leaders, participated as trained instructors in the classroom.


PROJECT: Appalachian Economic Education, Phase II
GRANTEE: Junior Achievement of Central Ohio

Purpose: To continue supporting youth entrepreneurial education throughout the region.


ARC: $50,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $64,269
Total: $114,269

Description: This project was a continuation of the Appalachian Economic Education Project. During the grant period, 14 local liaisons supported the Junior Achievement program in Appalachian Ohio, and a total of 92 classes were sustained or initiated during the period, involving 74 schools and 10,241 students. Four new self supporting divisions were formed in four counties.


PROJECT: Appalachian New Markets Venture Capital Company, Ohio
GRANTEE: Voinovich Center for Leadership & Public Affairs

Purpose: To provide capital for expansion of start up and other entrepreneurial firms in the target region.


ARC: $46,400
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $31,504
Total: $77,904

Description: The grantee, in partnership with Adena ventures, formed a New Markets Venture Capital Company. The grantee prepared and submitted a business plan to the SBA's New Markets Venture Capital Company program. SBA approved Adena Ventures as a New Markets VC Company in January 2002. Adena's assets available for investment are $25M. Over 200 inquires and 50 business plans have been received by the fund for review. Technical assistance partnerships have been developed throughout Appalachian Maryland, West Virginia, and Ohio to develop quality deal flow for Adena investments. $7.5M in support is available for these technical assistance partnerships.


PROJECT: Appalachian State Research Technical Assistance & Demonstrations
GRANTEE: The Ohio State University, Piketon Research Center

Purpose: To analyze business incubator feasibility data, prepare a written report, and make recommendations regarding the establishment of a business incubator in southern Ohio.


ARC: $15,400
Other Federal: $0
State: $11,000
Local: $15,601
Total: $42,001

Description: Contractors completed an incubator feasibility study for Southern Ohio. The study reviewed the types of businesses that would benefit from the incubator, with particular attention to the region's abundant farming and natural resources. The results of the feasibility analysis will be used to determine if the establishment of a business incubator would successfully offset defense industry downsizing in the area. The results will also be shared with community leaders and organizations responsible for economic development in the region.


PROJECT: Basis of a Successful Start Business Start-up Program (B.O.S.S.)
GRANTEE: Marietta College Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

Purpose: To provide training and technical assistance to start-up businesses in Southeast Ohio.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $10,391
Total: $50,391

Description: The BOSS model provides technical assistance to an eight (8) county area of Southeast Ohio through discussion groups, the creation of a peer network and one-on-one consulting between entrepreneurs and business professionals. The BOSS program also creates resource packets with information on financing, loans, and business ownership. A curriculum / training program was developed and delivered in over 95 roundtable sessions involving over 680 entrepreneurs. 200 of these entrepreneurs engaged in follow-on consulting support, resulting in the creation of over 100 new businesses and 260 new jobs. This program will be continued by the grantee.


PROJECT: Byesville Area Entrepreneurial Development Partnership
GRANTEE: Byesville Area Community Development Corporation

Purpose: To enhance opportunities for entrepreneurial development through mentorships, scholarships, and school projects.


ARC: $48,940
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $34,497
Total: $83,437

Description: A series of 12 workshops for small business entrepreneurs, financial support to new growing firms and the disbursement of student scholarships for youth with promising business proposals are part of The Byesville Area Community Development Corporation's effort to foster entrepreneurship in its service area. The grantee also offers a mentorship program for youth. Project activities are coordinated by the newly formed Byesville Area Entrepreneur Development Council, which is composed of representatives from the student population, government, and local businesses.

Completed outcomes of this project for the grant period include: 12 micro loans that created a total of 9 jobs, support for 7 different teacher led projects, 6 scholarships provided to high school students based on a business essay contest, and the development of a student newsletter which is distributed monthly. Additionally, the grantee held 14 small business workshops attracting over 39 participants, produced a local business and services directory, and held a small business exposition.


PROJECT: Byesville Area Entrepreneurial Development Partnership, Phase II
GRANTEE: The Byesville Area Community Development Corporation

Purpose: To continue support to provide training and technical assistance for small business start-ups.


ARC: $19,998
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $28,761
Total: $48,759

Description: The project continues the Byesville Area Entrepreneur Development Partnership. Several activities and outcomes were achieved through this project: (1) 14 businesses are listed on the web site, (2) 96 people attended two training courses related to business software usage, (3) 12 small business workshops on topics related to business operation were held, involving 120 persons, and (4) 5 youth businesses were started at the local high school, including: a kennel service, a web page business, Med Alert card production, lawn service, and babysitting service. Many of these programs will be continued by local economic development partners.


PROJECT: Dairy Barn Artist Entrepreneurial Project
GRANTEE: Dairy Barn SE Ohio Cultural Arts Center

Purpose: To develop a consignment shop for local and regional Appalachian artwork and to make the arts a viable business in Athens county and Southeastern Ohio.


ARC: $50,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $12,500
Total: $62,500

Description: During the grant period, the grantee held a series of workshops entitled "The Business of Art", which were attended by 20–25 artists. Six accomplished artists were paired with emerging artists in the Artists Helping Artists mentoring program. And the Dairy Barn Gallery Shop opened, representing 60 artists and generating $5,000 in fees to artists over the holiday season.


PROJECT: Entrepreneurial Technical and Managerial Assistance
GRANTEE: Jackson County Economic Development Board

Purpose: To provide direct technical assistance to small and emerging businesses and facilitate access to financing.


ARC: $30,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $8,550
Total: $38,550

Description: The Jackson County Economic Development Board provides technical assistance to the County's entrepreneurs. Personnel from the Jackson County Economic Development Board, working with local business volunteers, provide the technical assistance. Support for business plans and financials are provided to entrepreneurs, helping to facilitate their access to revolving loan fund commitments.

Completed outcomes of the project for the grant period include: 40 persons who successfully completed one of two series of entrepreneurship workshops and 12 workshop graduates who have started their own businesses, creating a total of 43 new jobs. Additionally, 10 more persons have loan applications pending to start businesses.


PROJECT: Entrepreneurial Technical and Managerial Assistance, Phase II
GRANTEE: Jackson County Economic Development Board

Purpose: To continue to provide technical assistance to entrepreneurs in Jackson county.


ARC: $25,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $25,000
Total: $50,000

Description: The grantee will continue the Entrepreneurial Technical and Managerial Assistance Program that provides technical assistance to entrepreneurs in the region, as well as improves access to financing. The Board will provide assistance to entrepreneurs from its director, a private financial consultant, and a group of 25 private sector volunteers. The Board will make $15,000 in revolving loan funds available to participating entrepreneurs, and a local bank has set aside monies to be used by approved small business start-ups in the downtown area. In year one of this activity, 40 persons received training and 19 started businesses.


PROJECT: Fish Farming In Small Impoundments
GRANTEE: Hocking Technical College

Purpose: To improve the regional economy by transferring the technology of rearing and marketing fish to individuals who have an entrepreneurial interest.


ARC: $38,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $10,000
Total: $48,000

Description: Hocking College developed a fish hatchery facility at Lake Snowden where it trains regional entrepreneurs in various aquaculture practices, particularly cage culture techniques. The grantee developed an ongoing workshop designed to prepare regional entrepreneurs to use the most recent technology and research for raising fish to sell for food and recreational markets. Twenty participants from the region attended four Saturday workshops from April 2001 to October 2001. At the workshops, participants attended lectures, watched videos; and participated in hands-on activities like water quality analysis, stocking, and harvesting. Completed outcomes included the creation of 6 new businesses employing 20 people.


PROJECT: Foundation for Appalachian Ohio Entrepreneurship Grantmaking
GRANTEE: Foundation for Appalachian Ohio

Purpose: To build the infrastructure for entrepreneurs in the region.


ARC: $220,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $170,000
Local: $185,000
Total: $575,000

Description: The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio will support the development of new business enterprises by providing awards to local organizations to strengthen the entrepreneurial infrastructure of the region, and by working with Ohio University's Appalachian Regional Entrepreneurship Initiative to provide technical assistance directly to businesses. The grantee will implement a $317,000 competitive grants program to promote entrepreneurship and undertake sectoral interventions in a wide variety of industries. Applicants will be required to provide a one-to-one match for awarded funds, and ten awards are expected to be disbursed. In addition, several regional convenings on issues of best practice in the field of rural entrepreneurship will be held. Ohio University will provide direct services to entrepreneurs and launch several competitive programs to stimulate entrepreneurship including a Business Plan Competition, an MIS Case Competition, and an MBA Case competition. The grantee projects that over 60 businesses will participate in activities, resulting in the creation of 25 new jobs and 20 new businesses.


PROJECT: Foundation for Appalachian Ohio Entrepreneurship Grantmaking, Phase II
GRANTEE: Foundation for Appalachian Ohio

Purpose: To build the infrastructure for entrepreneurs in the region.


ARC: $200,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $100,000
Total: $300,000

Description: The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio will support the development of new business enterprises by providing awards to local non-profit organizations to strengthen the entrepreneurial infrastructure of the 29-county region. A competitive RFP process will be utilized to market and distribute grant resources. Projects that seek to provide lending, technical assistance, brokering or other services to entrepreneurs will be targeted. Support will be focused on entrepreneurs in selected sectors, including heritage tourism, specialty foods, healthcare, and information technology. ARC funds will be used to market the grants program, provide technical assistance and training to prospective applicants, manage the grantsmaking process, and for the grant awards. The Foundation projects that over 25 existing businesses will participate in activities, and that 25 new jobs and 20 new businesses will also result.


PROJECT: Marketing and Resource Center
GRANTEE: Foothills School of American Crafts (FHS)

Purpose: To create a Resource Center for artists and craftspeople which addresses a broad range of needs pertaining to product design, production, and marketing.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $10,000
Total: $50,000

Description: The grantee accomplished its goals of 1) marketing and technical assistance for artisans, 2) creation of a retail showroom/gallery, and 3) promoting art-based entrepreneurship in Southeastern Ohio. Over 40 artisans have registered as members of the Center and 8 of those members have taken scheduled classes. Also, over 60 artisans were featured in the Baird Gallery, generating sales of $8,000. Finally, the Baird Gallery has documented an average of 60 visitors each week, helping the economic revitalization of the Nelsonville Public Square in Nelsonville, Ohio. The project also led to the creation of 10 new jobs.


PROJECT: Marketing the Folk and Traditional Art of Ohio
GRANTEE: Harrison Hills Cottage Industries (HHCI)

Purpose: To market and preserve the Appalachian folk art and craft traditions of Ohio.


ARC: $25,330
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $39,600
Total: $64,930

Description: Harrison Hills Cottage Industries (HHCI) has a dual focus, as an arts organization and as an economic development program. The purpose is the marketing of folk and traditional art in Ohio, especially in Appalachia. The first phase of the project was publication of a brochure printed and circulated in the Ohio Tourism Centers, mailing brochures to individuals, service clubs and churches in Harrison County. The next step was the purchase of hardware and software needed for HHCI to set up a computer system which has been a great asset to HHCI. HHCI went to Columbus, Ohio, the Wholesale Heritage Market Show, August 18-19, 2002. 20 artisans had products displayed and for sale. HHCI then started art classes for the public, and included such topics as: art, drawing and sketching classes. 25 persons enrolled in 2 series of theseclasses. The plans are to offer more art classes along with quilting, basic sewing, rug weaving and basketry, these classes will be taught by members of HHCI.


PROJECT: Meigs County Craft Brochure
GRANTEE: Meigs County Commissioners

Purpose: To support the development of the craft industry in the region.


ARC: $39,371
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $11,315
Total: $50,686

Description: This grant promoted Meigs County artisans and their crafts through the development of a Craft Association. A craft brochure was developed as a marketing tool to be located in tourism information locations, Chambers of Commerce, Bus Tour companies, Craft and Festival Associations, and on an Internet web site. During the grant period, 40,000 Crafters booklets were published and distributed to local chambers of commerce, travel centers, and local merchants. The Crafters booklets, entitled "Sampler", included information on over 39 area crafters and many local attractions.


PROJECT: Monroe County Business Marketing Program
GRANTEE: Monroe County Office of Economic Development and Tourism

Purpose: To help small businesses to substantially increase their sales and employment, thereby increasing the tax base of Monroe County.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $13,424
Total: $53,424

Description: During the grant period, the grantee achieved many of its objectives of introducing and educating Monroe County's small businesses to the successful methods of marketing their goods and services. Several of the businesses have reported moderate to significant new business activity. To date the grantee has provided technical assistance to 86 small businesses. Also, 51 small businesses have received direct financial assistance totalling $48,117 for small business promotion. In addition, the grantee helped 36 businesses in the county link to its primary website The project also resulted in the creation of 12 new jobs by 4 existing businesses.


PROJECT: National Business Incubator Mentorship Program
GRANTEE: National Business Incubation Association

Purpose: To provide support to a mentorship program designed to inform Appalachian communities about business incubation opportunities.


ARC: $13,700
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $3,054
Total: $16,754

Description: The grantee will provide awards to approximately 20 communities to enable them to gather additional information on the potential for developing business incubators. The awards program will be open and competitive in nature, with local communities applying for the awards on a quarterly basis. The grantee will identify leading business incubator managers across the nation. Listings of these best practice entities will then be provided to local communities seeking additional information on business incubation. Community leaders will then apply for the mentorship awards. If selected, communities will able to utilize the awards to either visit best practice business incubators or to bring experienced incubator managers into their communities. Awards may not be used for the preparation of feasibility studies or to pay for the costs of private consultants. Awards are expected to average $500 each.


PROJECT: National Business Incubator Training Scholarships
GRANTEE: National Business Incubation Association

Purpose: This activity will provide scholarships to train business incubator managers in industry best practice.


ARC: $8,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $0
Total: $8,000

Description: The grantee will provide scholarships to 8 to 16 individuals to attend the National Business Incubation Association's fall conference, Establishing an Effective Business Incubation Program, October 14 – 17, 2000, in Raleigh, North Carolina. Both partial (tuition only) and full (tuition and travel) scholarships will be provided. Business incubators provide important support to new businesses in Appalachia. Of the over 70 incubators operating in the region, several operate at a high level of performance. However, many incubators believe they could improve the level of support they provide to their tenants, and better operate their facilities. This national training program is an important resource to assist business incubation programs in the Region.


PROJECT: National Ceramic Museum & Heritage Center Ceramic Guild for Appalachia
GRANTEE: Hocking Technical College

Purpose: To establish the Ceramic Guild for Appalachia Ohio.


ARC: $220,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $55,000
Total: $275,000

Description: Description: The grantee will establish a Ceramic Guild for Appalachia Ohio. The Ceramic Guild will allow ceramic artists and related-businesses to work cooperatively to learn and apply the skills necessary for the Ceramic arts industry to grow and prosper. The Guild will help local artists and potteries develop entrepreneurial skills, and develop internet-based methods to reach out to and update the artistic community, as well as a web-based resource directory. The Guild will alsodevelop a strategic marketing communications plan that will include; telemarketing, direct mail marketing, advertising, public relations and researching the needs of ceramic related companies and the workforce. Projected outcomes include the involvement of 100 participants. Additionally, the grantee will serve 50 businesses.


PROJECT: Next Step the First Time
GRANTEE: Minority Business Resource Network (MBRN)

Purpose: To enhance the entrepreneurial education and knowledge for new and existing businesses in the target area, establish an area entrepreneur development council, increase the number of minority-owned small businesses, and award five min-grants to small businesses in the area.


ARC: $44,256
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $13,456
Total: $57,712

Description: During the grant period, workshops targeting prospective minority entrepreneurs were conducted in the areas of bookkeeping; business planning; marketing; and financing. Prominent local business people were involved in workshop presentations. Grantee exceeded its projections of 35 attendees at each workshop, having an actual attendance of 47 persons at each workshop. Five (5) businesses each received a $2,000 grant. Workshops resulted in the creation of 6 new businesses and 33 new jobs, including 21 new jobs from a single employer.


PROJECT: Ohio Entrepreneurial Development Program
GRANTEE: Columbiana County Vocational School

Purpose: The objectives of this project are to assist the entrepreneurial efforts of welfare-to-work programs, to provide professional support to entrepreneurs through the SBDC network, and to encourage entrepreneurial activities in the community.


ARC: $32,100
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $9,400
Total: $41,500

Description: This project used the NxLevel Entrepreneurial Training Program to achieve its training objectives. NxLevel incorporates experienced business educators, including prominent business leaders as guest speakers in the classroom; networking opportunities with local business leaders and participants; comprehensive learning materials; and one-on-one business counseling and support at the Career Center and at local SBDC sites. NxLevel is designed for the general business community but also offers features that allow training organizations to customize the training program to the special needs of various populations such as rural business owners, displaced workers, women and minority entrepreneurs, and microenterprises. During the grant period, formal community-based training was implemented. Prominent business leaders and lending institutions were involved in class presentations. The program attracted potential business owners and existing firms seeking to expand. Three 12-week classes were completed between April 1999 and April 2000. 102 people completed the program out of 136 beginning participants.


PROJECT: Ohio University Web-Based Technical Assistance for Entrepreneurs
GRANTEE: Ohio University

Purpose: To establish a virtual business technical assistance center, primarily web-based, that will provide individualized assistance to small businesses and entrepreneurs in the target counties as they develop e-commerce marketing strategies and effective business management practices for today's business environment.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $57,798
Total: $97,798

Description: This project consisted of three primary activities: (1) develop and maintain a "one stop" virtual on-line technical assistance web service; (2) provide technical assistance in utilizing e-commerce and other computer business software tools; and (3) provide supplemental telephone and in-person consulting services. The "BusinessFirstStop" website containing information on all 29 Appalachian Ohio counties has been completed. The site can be found at During the project period, AREI provided assistance in e-commerce strategies to 16 businesses. All of these projects involved the development of an e-commerce strategy; most involved development of at least an informational website. During the project period, AREI reviewed business plans from 72 businesses and made recommendations for improved management and marketing strategies. The project also facilitated the creation of 5 new jobs and the skills expansion of 14 workers within the firms that received assistance.


PROJECT: Regional Minority Youth Entrepreneurship
GRANTEE: Portsmouth Inner City Development Corporation

Purpose: To support youth entrepreneurial development in minority communities in 11 counties.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $10,000
Total: $50,000

Description: This grant introduced disadvantaged youth to business opportunities available through entrepreneurship. 140 youth participated in the program, with entrepreneurship training workshops conducted in three locations. 90% of participants became computer literate, none dropped out of high school, and 14 enrolled in college. A permanent mentor program involving 10 mentors was established, and 25 youth were paired with these mentors. The youth micro loan program was not implemented due to difficulties creating demand among the target market. Therefore, no student businesses were created. Instead the youth training programs were extended. Permanent funding is being pursued for the youth training programs from a range of federal and state sources.


PROJECT: ReUse Development Project
GRANTEE: ReUse Industries

Purpose: To provide staff training, technical assistance, and market development support to start-up and expanding enterprises that use local, reusable waste as source materials.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $44,427
Total: $84,427

Description: The grantee provides staff training, technical assistance, and market development support to 5 start-up and expanding enterprises that use local, reusable waste as source materials. ReUse Industries is a non-profit, job-development organization that collects, refurbishes and sells materials discarded from government, businesses and residences throughout the region. During the first three quarters of the grant period, the grantee, on behalf of its 5 client enterprises, hired a consultant to examine current business practices, assist in the improvement of operating procedures and efficiency strategies, assist the client enterprises in business development, and research market potential for the client enterprises. Another consultant was hired during the fourth quarter to assist in developing, implementing, and institutionalizing long-term marketing strategies for the client enterprises. Completed project outcomes included 2,400 hours of business assistance to the 5 client enterprises, the retention of 10 jobs, the creation of 1 full-time job from 1 previously part-time job, and an average revenue increase of 25% for the client enterprises.


PROJECT: Rio Grande Entrepreneurial Development Program
GRANTEE: University of Rio Grande

Purpose: To support the development of entrepreneurial enterprises and youth in the region.


ARC: $38,681
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $14,783
Total: $53,464

Description: The grantee developed training for elementary and secondary school teachers in the area of entrepreneurial skills and curricular development. The program was delivered through a summer workshop series. After a poor response for an initial series of training classes, the course was restructured and the course fee was reduced. A total of 25 teachers from two school districts attended the revised training classes, and commitments have been obtained from two additional school districts to participate in future trainings. The grantee will continue to offer this training program in the future.


PROJECT: River View School District Entrepreneurial Training Project
GRANTEE: River View Board of Education

Purpose: To promote an entrepreneurial culture among youth by: developing a mobile learning center; utilizing an entrepreneurial training curriculum; and providing 5 mini-grants to eligible participants to establish small businesses or summer projects.


ARC: $29,976
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $46,996
Total: $76,972

Description: This entrepreneurial training project works to foster entrepreneurship among children by improving their math, science, and technological skills. 160 students constructed computers in sites located in three different school districts. Entrepreneurial training was provided to students. Eight official field trips involving 186 students were taken to view existing enterprises. 20 mentorships were offered in conjunction with mini-grants to students. As a result, 20 student businesses have started, 10 of which are designed to be long-term sustainable ventures.


PROJECT: Rural Action, Inc Economic Opportunities from Farm & Forest
GRANTEE: Rural Action Inc

Purpose: To implement a business plan that will help farm and forest entrepreneurs to take advantage of high-value market opportunities.


ARC: $125,000
Other Federal: $15,000
State: $0
Local: $85,000
Total: $225,000

Description: The grantee will implement a business development plan that will increase the ability of farm and forest entrepreneurs in the region to take advantage of high-value market opportunities. Specifically, the grantee will create several Enterprise Facilitation/Support Teams (EF/ST) that will assist local entrepreneurs with business planning and development, marketing materials and outreach, a web site and related technical assistance. Also, the project will work to sustain the support network by increasing the capacity of several local growers associations. Projected outcomes include the involvement of 185 participants, the creation of 20 new businesses, and the creation of 20 new jobs.


PROJECT: SME Trade Show Assistance
GRANTEE: Ohio Department of Development

Purpose: To fund a program that will assist Appalachian Ohio SMEs participate in the Ideal Home Show during March and April 2000.


ARC: $7,500
Other Federal: $0
State: $2,750
Local: $2,500
Total: $12,750

Description: The grantee was one of 11 states that sent entrepreneurs to the Ideal Home Show in England to exhibit products. This grant was designed to offset the cost of participation by individual SMEs. Additionally, the ARC funds were used to defer transport costs resulting from shipment of goods by ocean-going container to the port of Felixstowe, UK. Actual outcomes to date have been limited to an unexpected amount of domestic publicity the participants received and an increased awareness of the potential for export sales to the UK by the type of company that was attracted to the Ideal Home Show. As of the time of the grantee's final report, no SME had secured representation in the UK, although the increased US exposure received from the participation in an international event more than offset the costs incurred showing products at the London venue.


PROJECT: Southern Hills Joint Vocational School Springboard Award
GRANTEE: Southern Hills Joint Vocational School

Purpose: To recognize outstanding youth entrepreneurship education programs.


ARC: $2,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $0
Total: $2,000

Description: The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education, developed the Appalachian Youth Entrepreneurship Education 'springboard" Awards competition to recognize outstanding youth entrepreneurship education programs. Youth education programs -- targeted to rural areas -- often serve as a 'springboard" for Appalachian residents to launch their own businesses, creating jobs in their communities, and further diversifying and strengthening the Region's economy. Six awards were provided to the best youth entrepreneurship education programs in Appalachia. Finalists have been recommended by an independent review panel, and were selected by ARC to each receive a $2,000 grant award. The grant awards will enable the winning teachers to support continued work in youth entrepreneurship, and the school or parent organization has received a commemorative plaque. A teacher and a selected student from each finalist received these awards in Washington, DC at the March 17, 2003 Annual Meeting of the Development Districts Association of Appalachia.


PROJECT: Successful Entrepreneurial Enterprise Development (SEED)
GRANTEE: Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission

Purpose: To support the development of entrepreneurial enterprises in the region.


ARC: $45,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $11,250
Total: $56,250

Description: The grantee will assist entrepreneurs in starting new business ventures by contracting for needed legal, financial, marketing, and engineering assistance services to help these new firms. An advisory committee, which will involve economic development practitioners in the region, will market assistance and review applicants for participation. To participate, the applicant must provide at least 25% match for the cost of these services. Additionally, staff will develop several small business assistance guides, including a guide to public and private sector loan programs in the region. One of the many obstacles for entrepreneurs in starting their own firms is the lack of capital for start up costs. Although several loan programs operate in the region, a comprehensive lending guide is unavailable to clients. This project is expected to help 8 entrepreneurs start firms.


PROJECT: Successful Entrepreneurial Enterprise Development, Phase II
GRANTEE: Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission

Purpose: To support the development of entrepreneurial enterprises in the region.


ARC: $40,000
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $13,333
Total: $53,333

Description: This project will enable the Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission to continue to assist entrepreneurs in starting new businesses by contracting with service providers for legal, financial, marketing, and engineering assistance to new firms. ARC funds will be used to provide matching support for technical assistance services to be provided to entrepreneurs. An advisory committee composed of economic development practitioners in the region will serve to generate interest in this program and to screen applicants. An applicant match of at least 25% of the cost of these services is required to participate in the program. The grantee projects 8 entrepreneurs will receive matching support, resulting in the formation of 8 new firms and the creation of 16 new jobs.


PROJECT: Working With Wood
GRANTEE: Ohio State University Research Foundation

Purpose: To provide technical assistance to wood products entrepreneurs in the target area.


ARC: $38,700
Other Federal: $0
State: $0
Local: $27,655
Total: $66,355

Description: The grantee provides training and technical assistance to potential entrepreneurs interested in creating wood products enterprises. The target communities rely heavily on timber for a significant part of their natural resource based economy. The grantee held three training workshops attracting 62 persons, completed a 100 page Working With Wood project manual, and conducted market research on customer wood species preferences. These activities resulted in the creation of two new businesses, and additional residents are considering starting enterprises in the region. The grantee has also received requests to continue the training workshops, and new sessions are being scheduled.