Funding Resources

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Regional Associations of Grantmakers (RAGs)

Regional associations of grantmakers, known as RAGs, are non-profit membership associations made up of private foundations seeking to promote philanthropy in specific locations. RAGs do not generally provide grants. Instead, a RAG's value is in the information it often has from their member foundations. RAGs focus on trends in giving and are often among the first to know when foundations are going to start or stop giving in a particular program area.

While RAGs serve as the organized voice for grantmakers, they also provide a wealth of information for grantseekers. However, RAGs usually lack the staff to focus exclusively on a program area, and should therefore not be your first stop in the grantseeking process. You should first seek grants in the region you intend to operate your project.

RAGs in Appalachia

State Funding Resources

The North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center Rural Resource Guide helps rural community leaders find funding, expertise, and information to make a positive difference in their communities. Included in the guide is a Financial Services section that offers funding sources for many types of programs.